70 files found in Library "Clipart, DTP"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
15_GOAT.ZIP Yes 19497 4/28/1993 PCX Graphics of A Goat Ram
256SCAN.ZIP Yes 17761 3/23/1993 Get Color From Your 256 Greyscale Scanner
ADS1.ZIP Yes 95063 4/19/1993 PCX Clip Art, Good For Advertising Aids
ADS2.ZIP Yes 132549 4/19/1993 PCX Clip Art, Good For Advertising Aids
ADS3.ZIP Yes 132581 4/19/1993 PCX Clip Art, Good For Advertising Aids
ANIML1.ZIP Yes 60509 2/15/1994 PCX Images for Desktop Publishing - Animals
ANIML2.ZIP Yes 65318 2/15/1994 PCX Images for Desktop Publishing - Animals
ANIML3.ZIP Yes 144181 2/15/1994 PCX Images for Desktop Publishing - Animals
ANIML4.ZIP Yes 59158 2/15/1994 PCX Images for Desktop Publishing - Animals
APPLIN.ZIP Yes 74989 2/15/1994
PCX Images of Household Appliances for
Desktop Publishing
A_BMP.ZIP Yes 15430 2/20/1994 BMP format Clipart for Desktop Publishing
BCB.ZIP Yes 164673 12/9/1993
BARCODE-BLOBS Bar Code Storage Facility v1.0
This program produces black and white PCX bar
code graphic images for use with DTP, Word
Processing, Database Systems, Paint and other
programs which can import standard PCX
graphic files. Bar codes include UPC A, UPC
E, EAN/IAN 8 & 13, Interleaved 2 of 5, Code
39, Code 128 A,B & C, Standard 2 of 5 and
POSTNET/POSTNET ABC. High quality 300x300 DPI
graphic resolution image files.
BEBOPCX1.ZIP Yes 149471 2/27/1993 Desktop Publishing Images In PCX Format
BEBOPCX2.ZIP Yes 358904 3/11/1993 Desktop Publishing Images In PCX Format
BORDR.ZIP Yes 57703 2/15/1994 Borders for Use with Desktop Publishing
B_BMP.ZIP Yes 19165 2/20/1994 BMP format Clipart for Desktop Publishing
CALCRT_1.ZIP Yes 316498 9/7/1993
Calendar Critters I v1.0; Collection of 50
original PCX images. These cute critters can
be used to illustrate your next newsletter,
flyer or custom calendar.
CH_CLIPS.ZIP Yes 86708 12/11/1993
PCX Christian Clip Art Sampler 9 high quality
Bible/church images: Elijah, Bible, scroll,
cross, etc.
CLIPLIB1.ZIP Yes 368990 11/5/1993
CLIPLIB v1; Freeware clip art library for use
easily translated to PCX, TIFF, and many
other file formats.
CLIPS2.ZIP Yes 526054 3/25/1993 Famous faces in EPS format
CLIPS3.ZIP Yes 569676 3/25/1993 Famous People images in EPS format
CLIPS4.ZIP Yes 459457 3/25/1993 Lots of Celebrity Faces in EPS Format
CLIPS5.ZIP Yes 459628 3/25/1993 More Famous Faces, EPS Format
CLIPS6.ZIP Yes 459724 3/25/1993 Famous Faces, EPS Graphic Format
CLIPS7.ZIP Yes 459844 3/25/1993 Famous Celebrity Images in EPS Format
CLIPS9.ZIP Yes 150624 3/25/1993 Famous Personality Images in EPS Format
CLIPTZ.ZIP Yes 150199 3/25/1993 5 EPS Images Of Famous People
C_BMP.ZIP Yes 23124 2/20/1994 BMP format Clipart for Desktop Publishing
DTP0493.ZIP Yes 12518 4/10/1993
April update of International List of BBSs
dedicated to Desktop Publishing and other
BBSs of help to DTP enthusiasts!
DTPM30J.ZIP Yes 325694 5/14/1993 Desktop Paint: Awesome BitMapped Paint Program
D_BMP.ZIP Yes 3189 2/20/1994 BMP format Clipart for Desktop Publishing
EXERCLIP.ZIP Yes 146880 4/4/1993 Exercise Images In TIF Format
FANT4.ZIP Yes 553890 2/27/1993 Fantasy Clipart in TIFF Format
F_BMP.ZIP Yes 12101 2/20/1994 BMP format Clipart for Desktop Publishing
GHI_BMP.ZIP Yes 19096 2/20/1994 BMP format Clipart for Desktop Publishing
GOVT.ZIP Yes 441826 4/9/1993 Government Symbols In Harvard Graphics Format
GRINPCX1.ZIP Yes 237952 2/25/1993 Grin Graphics #1; Wide Variety Of PCX Images
GRINPCX2.ZIP Yes 245367 2/25/1993 Grin Graphics #2; Wide Variety Of PCX Images
GUNCLIP.ZIP Yes 54274 8/13/1993
Gun and Arms Clipart Images in PCX Format.
Distibuted With Minor Restrictions. Could be
used for letterheads and business cards.
HOLIDAYS.ZIP Yes 256105 3/24/1993 Holiday, Festive Clipart Images
IND200.ZIP Yes 129615 2/11/1993
INDEX!, Shareware from Trinity Software
Automatic insertion of index codes for
Ventura Publisher
K_BMP.ZIP Yes 42995 2/20/1994 BMP format Clipart for Desktop Publishing
LMO_BMP.ZIP Yes 10765 2/20/1994 BMP format Clipart for Desktop Publishing
MASONPCX.ZIP Yes 90364 5/29/1993 PCX Masonic Clipart Images
MCART1.ZIP Yes 275131 9/9/1993
MEDSET1A CGM version; 'The Human Skeleton'
90+ CGM Medical Clip Art. Quality vector
drawings for use by teachers, students or
anyone preaparing info about the skeleton.
Perfect for slides, DTP or video
MCART2.ZIP Yes 265860 9/9/1993
MEDSET2A CGM version; Medical Clip Art; Signs
& Symbols, Safety & Security. 90+ CGM Medical
Clip Art. Quality drawings for use in medical
& education, DTP & slide presentations - OHSA
MISCL.ZIP Yes 39567 2/15/1994 PCX Images for Desktop Publishing - Misc
MPART1_A.ZIP Yes 239769 9/9/1993
MEDSET v1A PCX version [1/3]; 'The Human
Skeleton' 90+ PCX Medical Clip Art. Quality
drawings for use by teachers, students, or
anyone preparing info about the skeleton.
Perfect for slide, DTP or video presentations
MPART1_B.ZIP Yes 247842 9/9/1993
MEDSET v1A PCX version [2/3]; 'The Human
Skeleton' 90+ PCX Medical Clip Art. Quality
drawings for use by teachers, students, or
anyone preparing info about the skeleton.
Perfect for slide, DTP or video presentations
MPART1_C.ZIP Yes 261231 9/9/1993
MEDSET v1A PCX version [3/3]; 'The Human
Skeleton' 90+ PCX Medical Clip Art. Quality
drawings for use by teachers, students, or
anyone preparing info about the skeleton.
Perfect for slide, DTP or video presentations
MPART2_A.ZIP Yes 272126 9/9/1993
MEDSET 2A PCX version [1/3]; Signs & Symbols
Safety & Security, 90+ PCX MedicalClip Art.
Quality bitmap symbols for use in medical &
education - DTP,slides & DTVideo OHSA,
Universal Precautions & More Parts 1, 2, 3
MPART2_B.ZIP Yes 187341 9/9/1993
MEDSET 2A PCX version [2/3]; Signs & Symbols
Safety & Security, 90+ PCX MedicalClip Art.
Quality bitmap symbols for use in medical &
education - DTP,slides & DTVideo OHSA,
Universal Precautions & More Parts 1, 2, 3
MPART2_C.ZIP Yes 189743 9/9/1993
MEDSET 2A PCX version [3/3]; Signs & Symbols
Safety & Security, 90+ PCX MedicalClip Art.
Quality bitmap symbols for use in medical &
education - DTP,slides & DTVideo OHSA,
Universal Precautions & More Parts 1, 2, 3
MUSCLIPS.ZIP Yes 13599 3/9/1994
Numerous music-related clip art items, most
in BMP format and including clarinets and
french horns. I scanned these because I had a
heck of a time finding these instruments in
most conventional clip art collections.
OFFICE01.ZIP Yes 141398 3/2/1993 Office And Business Related PCX Images
OFFICE02.ZIP Yes 179030 2/28/1993 Office And Business Related PCX Images
OFFICE03.ZIP Yes 181198 3/2/1993 Office And Business Related PCX Images
OFFICE04.ZIP Yes 155371 3/1/1993 Office And Business Related PCX Images
OFFICE05.ZIP Yes 201162 3/2/1993 Office And Business Related PCX Images
PCXSTATE.ZIP Yes 257219 6/7/1993 Shareware PCX Images State Seals
PLIP.ZIP Yes 495321 5/4/1993 Desktop Publishing Images In CGM Format
PQR_BMP.ZIP Yes 23852 2/20/1994 BMP format Clipart for Desktop Publishing
S_BMP.ZIP Yes 58483 2/20/1994 BMP format Clipart for Desktop Publishing
TVW_BMP.ZIP Yes 23334 2/20/1994 BMP format Clipart for Desktop Publishing
UMWPG.ZIP Yes 9405 5/12/1993
United Methodist symbols in WPG graphic
format - 2 different versons - high quality
scanned images ready for use in WordPerfect.
WCLIP11.ZIP Yes 144587 12/26/1993
Collection of Wood Clips graphics files for
WordPerfect. After FREE registration,
graphics may be used in any WordPerfect
document. Free newsletter to registered
users, showing newest releases of clip art &
WP Utilities.
WISMAP.ZIP Yes 189678 1/2/1994
Clipart Image of Wisconsin Map w/Counties in
PCX and CGM format
WORKERS1.ZIP Yes 115393 2/14/1994 PCX Images of Working Men and Women
WORKERS2.ZIP Yes 105896 2/19/1994 PCX Images of Working Men and Women
WORKERS3.ZIP Yes 117006 2/19/1994 PCX Images of Working Men and Women