PICK-UP REGISTRATION ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ If you experience a problem or if you have a suggestion for an improvement and/or addition to this script feel free to write me. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Mark P. Harrison ³ ³ 6676 Robinson School Rd. ³ ³ New Athens, IL 62264 USA ³ ³ FidoNet: Telix Echo ³ ³ FidoNet: 1:2250/23 ³ ³ BBS: (618)539-6254 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ There is a fee of $10.00 (US) for the use of this script. If you find this script useful, please complete the form below and send it along with your payment to the above address. In return for the $10 registration fee, you will receive a key to remove the "REGISTRATION ENCOURAGEMENT FEATURE" from this AND any future versions. I encourage you to pass this script around to your friends. Thank you for your support. Mark P. Harrison ** PICK-UP ** 1.4 REGISTRATION FORM SHIP TO NAME:________________________________________________ ADDRESS:________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ REGISTER TO: ÚÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÙ (This is what you want to appear on your registered copy.) (30 Max.) Where did you hear about PICK-UP? ___________________________ Where did you get your copy of PICK-UP? _____________________ Voice Phone: _________________ BBS Phone: __________________ (Optional) FIDO NetMail address if you have one: _______________________ Comments:____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________