Function TempDOS V0.01 29/09/93 ============================== Extracted from Anglopean Ltd Project ref #0203.1 Public Release #0.05 *unsupported* Voice +44 71 404 2227 Anglopean Ltd is a British company specialising in information at the desktop. If you would like more information on our services, mail me, Darren Reynolds, at 100277.2270@COMPUSERVE.COM. To use the routine in your own database, use Edit/Copy and Edit/Paste and paste it into one of your own modules. You are free to use the code for any purpose, without making a payment of any kind. However, no guarantee is made as to the performance of the code. I would be most interested to hear from anyone who does incorporate this, or any other functions by Anglopean Ltd in their code. Syntax: =TempDOS (AppFileName, AppName, Timeout) Parameters: AppFileName - the full file specification for the application you want to run, e.g. "C:\COMMAND.COM" AppName - the name which appears above the application's window, e.g. "COMMAND" Timeout - the length of time the application is allowed to run Returns: True if terminated by Access False if closed by normal ending (e.g. "Exit" from a DOS box) Typical Usage: ------------- New! Amaze your friends - with this! TempDOS! Sometimes, you might want to call a DOS program from within Access - for example, to prepare a fixed-width import file from another database, or to send a mail message on a non-MAPI mail system. DOS apps have a nasty habit of crashing - so you can set a time limit on their existence with this. Try now whilst stocks last. Example: ------- Just click the button that comes with the function. Notes: ------- AppName must be the title of the application above its window for the AppActivate statement to be able to terminate the application when necessary. Best of luck with your developments! Darren Reynolds