What's In That Box? - III was created entirely with Computer Magic, the $99.95 multipurpose creation package. Would you like to know more about Computer Magic? You can use Computer Magic to create your own super-professional teaching tutorials, catalogs, technical presentations, electronic books, graphical user interfaces (GUI), retail software, shareware, BBS greeting cards, disk-based shows, computer-based training (CBT) and freeform databases, which will run on any standard IBM-compatible computer. Create your own images or use scanned pictures or clip art from a variety of sources. You can also create your own sounds or use "clip sounds." Built-in features include: complete drawing program, simple word processor to create text in any font and any color, sound effects library, melody composition and digitized speech through the ordinary PC speaker, Sound Blaster and other sound card support, resolutions from 2-Color CGA through 256-color VGA, .GIF and .PCX file display and creation, ASCII-Vector-Graphics (store up to 100 pictures on a single 360k floppy), special effects such as fades and "lava flow," grid and coordinate display for precise drawing creation, super-imposing, layering, combining files, hook executable programs and batch files into multimedia presentations, display scrollable text files of unlimited size within any picture in any font and color, and much more! Even create full multimedia multiple-choice tests and on-screen picture puzzles. Computer Magic comes with a royalty-free, multi-faceted run-time program called CMSHOW.EXE, with which end users can view your presentation screen by screen, forward, backward or randomly, and even search for any word or phrase within your presentation, or via hyperlinks, in which users can point to anything on screen with mouse-driven or arrow-key driven pointer and be taken to any location within your presentation. How can we do it all for $99.95? Here are the answers: You are not paying for TV or magazine advertisements. Computer Magic is an efficient, fully self-contained package, with a complete disk-based owner's manual. And, we ship everything immediately via first class mail, so no cost is wasted in excess warehousing/order processing. You're paying for pure state-of-the-art programming, not advertising and packaging. Computer Magic is a complete integrated creation environment using the latest WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) technology. It is so easy-to-use that you can start making your own great products the first day you own it. To get your copy, send $99.95 plus shipping in US funds to: Gary R. Smith OEC Systems 4646 North Shallowford Road Atlanta, GA 30338-6304 For fastest service, call or fax: Request catalog or place orders only: 800-444-2424 Phone: 404-394-1000 Fax: 404-394-1006 Visa or MasterCard accepted Postage is just $4.00 in the U.S. and Canada, $10.00 anywhere else in the world! Normally shipped on 3.5" high-density disks, let us know if you need different disk type. Computer Magic requires CGA, Hercules, EGA or VGA graphics, 640k RAM and hard disk. Supported but NOT required are mouse, sound card and color monitor. Computer Magic works fine on laptop computers. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Real-Life Computer Magic Applications: Bill Davis of Baton Rouge, Louisiana markets Spanish language courses and electronic travel guides he creates with Computer Magic. Christopher Parks, with Information Innovations headquartered in Carson City, Nevada, creates instructional Electronic Reports for different businesses. His company created a report for the American's With Disabilities Act (ADA) and how businesses can comply with it and an electronic brochure for a temporary help agency. Don Crabill is an investment advisor. His CM-developed products help train his clients and others on trading strategies using computers. Frank Camper directs a small group of computer-literate writers in the production of books on disk. His group is currently making local phone book disks and computer operation tutorials for county government and education use. Frank has written novels which have been published by Dell Publishing, Manor Books and Delta Press. He recently completed a novel which he is reserving for electronic release. Herb Heller, owner of Portsmouth Trading Company in Hampton, New Hampshire, markets gourmet food via an on-line catalog on services such as Compu-Serve and Prodigy. Paul Scime, a high school electronics teacher in Orlando, Florida, used Computer Magic to develop the instructional software programs "Aerospace and Flight," "Introduction to Electronics," and "The Student Financial Aid Guide." Willis Sherman is an inventor in Schiller Park, Illinois. He creates computer presentations that demonstrate his inventions to prospective investors and manufacturers. --------------------------------------------- Technical Specifications Computer Magic (subject to change) Main creation program: CM.EXE - size 368k Royalty-free runtime engine: CMSHOW.EXE - size 49k Total size with all files: approximately 2000k (2 megabytes) Video Modes supported: CGA 640 x 200 x 2-color CGA 320 x 200 x 4-color EGA 640 x 200 x 16-color EGA 640 x 350 x 16-color Hercules 720 x 348 x 2-color VGA 640 x 480 x 2-color VGA 640 x 480 x 16-color VGA 320 x 200 x 256-color XGA 320 x 240 x 256-color* XGA 320 x 400 x 256-color* XGA 320 x 480 x 256-color* SVGA 640 x 400 x 256-color SVGA 800 x 600 x 16-color SVGA 800 x 600 x 256-color *XGA runs on ordinary VGA systems! Drawing tools provided: Lines Dotted lines Freehand Rectangles Filled Boxes Circles Ellipses Arcs Triangles Pixel Editing Fill Spraypaint Layer Zoom Change format (AVG to PCX, GIF, etc) Flip block Copy block Move block Erase block Animate block Change palette Color Change contrast, brightness, hue save/import portions of GIF or PCX images Regular Text Centered Titles Block Text Import Live Text FlexiFont Fill Page Menu of Special Effects Fonts Provided: 40 Special Effects: Fade Out Fade In Granular Fade Slant Diamonds Expansion Expanding Box Swipe Open Curtains Close Curtains Roller Shade Roller Replace Large Blocks Small Blocks Rainbow 1-Color Slide 4-Color Slide Nova Lava Flow Fingers Sound systems: PC speaker sound effects library PC speaker melody composition PC speaker digitized speech (2 systems included, 800k speech provided) Sound Cards: All brands supported Requirements: 640k RAM, hard disk, any standard graphics system Options (not required, but supported): Mouse, Color, MS-Windows, EMS, XMS, Sound card. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Special Built-In Features: Hyper-Link - Present an on-screen arrow, movable with mouse or arrow/number keys, that the user can move to anything in picture (icon, text, etc) and be taken to any place in your presentation. Live Text - Any standard ASCII text file can be displayed within any picture in any font or color, and it will scroll with mouse or arrow keys, including search, print and auto-scroll functions. ASCII-Vector-Graphics, so you can edit exact locations of objects within your pictures, or the pitch and duration of sounds, or modify animations, etc; Presentation mode - which gives the end user menu bar from which to advance to next screen, or back up, or GOTO, or search for specific word or phrase. Automode - for un-attended, self-running presentations. Puzzle - make any on-screen image into a memorable picture puzzle which end users can reassemble with mouse or arrow key. Multiple-choice/True-false test creation. 1 to 100 questions. Records students' scores in encrypted file on disk. Allows honest, un-attended study. Optionally link presentations to each answer, offering remedial information for incorrect answers, or rewarding students for correct answers. Intelligence - You can create presentations which react intelligently to users' input typed in plain language at keyboard. Help & Documentation: On-line help with [F1] key, plus 227k of text files on disk callable from within main program. Adjustable context-sensitive automated help level (1-100). Also, optional hint bar at top of screen during many functions. Images: Import or create .PCX in all graphics modes, .GIF in 16 and 256 color modes, full or partial-screen size. ASCII-Vector-Graphics. _____________________________________________ end of file.