DOS imposes certain restrictions on the names which can be given to files. There are also a set of conventions which have been applied to filenames. The Format A filename can be composed of from 1 to 8 letters, numbers or certain punctuation marks (collectively called characters). A filename can also have an optional extension containing from 1 to 3 more characters. If the filename has an extension, the main name is separated from the filename by a period, called "Dot" by computer experts. Example: README.1ST The Restrictions Filenames cannot contain a space, question mark, or exclamation point, or many other punctuations such as backslash. The underline and the dash characters are legal, and are frequently used instead of a space to make a two-word filename more legible. Examples: TWO_WORD.TXT READ-ME.1ST Capitalization Whether the letters in a filename are capitalized or lower-case does not matter. README, ReadMe, and readme are all the same file to DOS. The Conventions Many extensions have become standardized and are known to represent certain types of files: .ASC - An ASCII text file. ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. These files contain plain old text, which can be used by most programs which work with text. This is the native text format of DOS. There are other proprietary text formats created by specific word processing programs, but ASCII is used when the author wants a standard file which can be used with a wide variety of text viewers or programs. Files with extensions other than .ASC can also contain ASCII text. .BMP - A picture file. .CNF - Customized configuration information for use by a program. Has no function by itself. .COM - A small program which can usually be run merely by typing it's name on the command line and pressing the [Enter] key. .DLL - An auxiliary file required by a Windows program which has no function by itself. .DOC - A file containing standard ASCII text which can be displayed with most text viewing, editing and word processing programs or printed onto paper. .EXE - A small or large program which can often be run merely by typing it's name on the command line and pressing the [Enter] key. .GIF - A picture file. .ICO - An icon for a Windows program. .INI - Customized configuration information for use by a program. Has no function by itself. .OVR - An auxiliary file required by a DOS program. Has no function by itself. .PCX - A picture file. .TIF - A picture file. .TXT - A file containing standard ASCII text can be displayed with most text viewing, editing and word processing programs, or printed onto paper. .VOC - A sound file, usually digitized speech. .WAV - A sound file. BATCH FILES .BAT - A batch file. These can be run like programs, by simply typing the batch file name on the command line and pressing the [Enter] key. If examined with a text viewing program, batch files are found to contain ordinary text. In fact, they are commands to DOS, exactly as you would type them on the command line. Many batch files have several lines. Each line is executed by DOS as soon as the previous line is done. BATCH files are used to automate tasks which otherwise would require much typing. For instance to copy three files, then delete one of them and run another would look like this if you had to type it all on the command line: COPY C:\FIRST.DOC A: COPY C:\SECOND.TXT A: COPY C:\FIRST.EXE A: DEL C:\SECOND.TXT C:\FIRST However, it could be typed into a batch file just once, you could give the batch file any DOS-legal filename ending with .BAT, and then by simply typing the name of the file on the command line, all five operations will automatically occur. INSTRUCTION FILES Many new programs come with text files on their disks which you can view with a text viewing or word processing program. These contain instructions for using the program or are are last minute changes made after the program owner's manual was printed. They usually have names ending in .DOC or .TXT, or names such as: READ.ME README.1ST READ.NOW DIRECTORIES The structure of directory names is very similar to filenames. There is an 8 character limit. Extensions on directory names are rare, but possible. A directory name can have an extension of up to 3 more characters after the "dot." For more information on directories, see the Directory section. _____________________________________ end of file.