TIPS ON SPEEDING UP OPERATIONS: Microsoft's WINDOWS comes with two files that may speed up operations. They are HIMEM.SYS and SMARTDRV.SYS. They assist in memory management and hard drive management; and are described in the WINDOWS User's Guide. Consult it for more information. If you have WINDOWS installed, you can check your CONFIG.SYS file to see if it contains lines similar or close to those shown below. The CONFIG.SYS file is located in the \ DIR. The HIMEM.SYS file also should be in the \ DIR so your computer will find it along with the CONFIG.SYS file at boot time. The "device=c:\windows\smartdrv.sys 768" line tells the computer to look in the C:\WINDOWS DIR for the SMARTDRV.SYS file and use 786 K of memory, if available, for managing drive operations. If the file is located some place else, the SMARTDRV.SYS line in the CONFIG.SYS file should show the path to that other place. files=24 buffers=24 device=c:\himem.sys device=c:\windows\smartdrv.sys 768 The EZ Business system uses up to 64K of Expanded Memory Specification if it is available. If you get a conflict with WINDOWS, use this command prior to running the system. SET QSEMS=0