Here is a little demonstration of what UnderBar v2.2 will do -- where it will print a Bar Code, and where it will leave things alone: (Assume you have 1" high labels, 6 lines per inch....) Binary Systems P.O. Box 1621 Brandon, FL 33509-1621 Edwina Burgess 2-1/2 Doody Avenue Easthampton, MA 01027 Damon Too Box 1234 Johnson City, TN 23456-1234 Esmeralda Smail 235 W. Dulles Almost Heaven, WV 22345-1357 John Bigboote 44 Big Zip Ave. Pasadena, TX 12345-67789-0123456789 John Small Berries 55 Little Zip Lane Florence, RI 7 Brigitte Novatschin 131 Peachtree Circle Atlanta, GA 87654-3210 Rosemary Penelope 307 Hidden Rd. Pikeville, KY 43216-5432 Phantomima Grez Presidential Palace 15 South Avenue Elephant Breath, WY 98765-4321 Buckaroo Banzai 8 Dimension Hwy. There You Are, BB 99999-9999