SB DX @ ARRL $ARLD064 ARLD064 DX news QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 64 ARLD064 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT November 24, 1993 To all radio amateurs Thanks to Tedd, KB8NW, the Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, Bob, W5KNE, QRZ DX, Bob, WB2DIN, Don, KJ6TC and Tom, N6RA for the items in this weeks bulletin. CYPRUS. 1B1AB is now operating from the north of Cyprus. Operation has been taking place on a list on 14.256 MHz or 21.255 MHz, usually around 1400z. Signals in North America have been weak. This operation does not currently count for DXCC, however a petition has been filed with the DXAC for new country status. QSL via G0ITX, 1 IRC or bureau. SWAZILAND. 3DA0BK has been reported on 80 meters beginning as early as 0245z and as late as around 0330Z. He has been heard on 3501, 3507 and 3526 kHz. CHATHAM ISLAND. DK8FD expects to be active from November 24th thru December 4th signing ZL7FD or ZL7DX. He will also be in the CQWW DX Contest. CHRISTMAS ISLAND. Bob, W5KNE, editor of QRZ DX, reports he will be using a special event call sign of VI9XN (not VK9XN as previously reported) to commemorate the 350th anniversary of the naming of Christmas Island by Captain Mynors of the East India Company ship "Royal Mary". He will be there November 27 to December 15. Bill, VK4CRR, will also join him as VK9XO, from December 1 to 11. QSL VI9XN to W5KNE. QSL VK9XO to VK4CRR. BENIN. Ken, TY8OBO, will be active from Benin between November 30th and December 8th. Ken plans to be active every day from about 1800z until he gets tired. As before, he plans no CW, but will respond using his straight key if asked appropriately. SRI LANKA. OH2VZ expects to be on from Sri Lanka from November 15th thru December 15th. His activity will be mostly 40 and 15 meters. LIBERIA. Massimo, I8NHJ, will be active in the CQ WW CW Contest from Monica's (EL2PP) QTH. Monica states that this is the only active CW operation from EL land within the last year. I8NHJ will be active from November 24 to 30. QSL only the CW operations to I8NHJ (CBA ok) and all other EL2PP operations to N2CYL. BALEARIC ISLANDS. Tom, N6RA, will operate as ED6XXX from the Balearic Islands in the CQ WW CW Contest, single op, all bands. He will also be QRV a few days before and after the contest as EA6/N6RA. QSL via N6RA. CAYMAN ISLANDS. G3SXW, K5VT, KC7V (ZF2VP) and N7BG (ZF2TU) will operate Multi-Single in the CQ WW CW Contest. The call sign that they will be using has not been selected. The operators will try to be active on WARC bands before the contest. QSL ZF2VP to KC7V and ZF2TU to N7BG. CURACAO. Carl, OH6XY, will be traveling here to be active in the CQ WW CW Contest (40 meter/Single op) as PJ9Y. He will be active before and after the contest on 6 meters. NOTE: Carl is the team leader of RadioTeam Finland and is serving on the United Nations High Command on Refugees in the former Yugoslavia, a position he has held since last November. His stay is through November 1994 and can be worked from either Croatia (9A/OH6XY) or Bosnia-Herzegovina (T9/OH6XY). Jukka, OH3GZ, is acting QSL Manager for Carl and has the logs for the following calls: 9A/OH6XY, ZA/OH6XY, ZA2A, PJ2/OH6XY, PJ9Y, 4N4/OH6XY and T9/OH6XY. Bob, WB2DIN advises that he is no longer acting as QSL manager for Sergey, 4K2KBZ. QSL cards for all QSOs Bob has logs for have been forwarded to the ARRL Incoming QSL Bureau for distribution. Bob asks that no further requests for 4K2KBZ cards be sent to him. Don, KJ6TC reports that he is not the QSL manager for 9K2WA, who appeared to be active in the ARRL RTTY Contest long after he was back in the US. Don also reports that the US Army confiscated his 9K2WR log disks on his way out of the country almost two years ago for security reasons, and at this point he still doesn't have them back. He didn't make hard copy logs for space considerations. Efforts are underway to recover the logs. /EX