SB DX @ ARRL $ARLD071 ARLD071 DX news QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 71 ARLD071 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT December 30, 1993 To all radio amateurs Thanks to Bob, W5KNE; QRZ DX; Chod, VP2ML; the DX Bulletin; and the Yankee Clipper Contest Club PacketCluster Network for the items in this week's bulletin. IRAQ. Club station YI1IRL should be on the air soon. YI1MH has been worked on 21214 kHz at 1326z. And finally, G0MMI is NOT the QSL manager for YI1BGD. QSL YI1BGD via DF3NZ. REVILLA GIGEDO ISLANDS. XF4CI has been worked on 3797 kHz at 1004z, 14195 kHz at 0944z and even via OSCAR 13 on 145900 kHz at 0905z. QSL via XE1CI. VANUATU. YJOAXX has been a good catch on the lower bands. Try 1830 kHz around 1200z and 7005 kHz from 1245 to 1345z. MARTINIQUE. FM5BH has been on 1835 kHz at 1014z and 3798 kHz at 1030z. Listen for FM5DP on 3795 kHz around 1015z. EAST MALAYSIA. An SSB/CW operation by 9M6/JA0VBJ and 9M6/JH0SPE is expected to start January 7 for about one week. QSL via JA0VBJ. TROMELIN. FR5ZQ/T should be on the air in January. Operations from Glorioso should commence sometime in the Summer. WHERE ARE THEY? As of Thursday afternoon as this bulletin was being prepared, there were no spots for the following planned operations. Nauru, C21/AH0F by JA2NQG. Maldive Islands, 8Q7BX by Carlo, I4ALU. Gambia, C56/SM4TQO by Gunnar. Bangladesh, S21ZX. Belau, KC6YK. Niue, ZK2XJ. Listen around and keep an eye on the PacketCluster for these to become active. CHRISTMAS ISLAND WRAP UP. Although plagued with high noise levels, unity gain antennas on all bands except 17 and 12 meters, and ho hum propagation at best, a total of around 16,000 Qs were logged for this DXpedition, 9,000 by VK9XO and 7,500 by VI9XN. QSL VI9XN via W5KNE and VK9XO via VK4CRR. W6KG SK. World renowned DXer Lloyd Colvin, W6KG, died in Ankara, Turkey, in mid-December. Lloyd and his wife Iris, W6QL, are the DX end of countless DXCC country credits. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. ARRL Straight Key Night, SKN, is a safe alternative to other New Year's Eve celebrating. It runs from 0000z to 2400z on January 1. This casual event is a relaxing way to wind down 1993 and open 1994 operations. For more information check page 127 of November QST. If the word casual never applies to your hamming, try the AGCW DL QRP Winter Contest from 1500z January 1 until 1500z January 2. This is a low power event on CW only. Details appear on page 128 of December QST. /EX