FFTDSP Program Distribution & Price GIF and Graphics Interchange Format are trademarks(tm) of CompuServe Incorporated, an H&R Block Company - The FFTDSP demo is a fully functional, but time limited program which is being distributed via public BBSs. Without the registration file, operation will stop after 30 seconds. - Registration Price: $20 US, $25 Foreign. (includes shipping & handling) The registration file will allow the public FFTDSP demo program to operate continuously. - Available from: Mike Cook, AF9Y 501 E. Cedar Canyon Rd. Huntertown, IN 46748 Tel: (219-637-3399) BBSs used by author for program updates and mail: Midnight Escape (2400-14400 Baud) (219) 456-4127 East Coast Atlantic BBS (2400 Baud) (704) 284-4854 Apogee BBS (9600 Baud) (508) 368-4137 & 7036