Hi, You have the latest version on Jnos 109 that CDRA is supporting. If this is your first attempt at running jnos follow the directions for NEW USERS. If you have jnos already running and are just updating following the directions for UPDATE. Please read the enclosed TXT files for information about CDRA and the projects that CDRA is involved in. NEW USERS: 1) Under your root directory (c:\) type mkdir nos 2) Change directory to nos 3) Copy autoexec.nos from the ftp files to the nos directory 4) Copy nos.exe from the ftp files to the nos directory 5) Copy ftpusers from the ftp files to the nos directory 6) Copy ftpmotd.txt from the ftp files to the nos directory 7) Copy mboxmotd.txt from the ftp files to the nos directory 8) Copy domain.txt from the ftp files to the nos directory (this is a minimal domain.txt, you should ftp the latest version from (one of the switches. 9) In the nos directory type mkdir spool 10) in the nos/spool directory type mkdir mqueue 11) in the nos/spool directory type mkdir mail 12) Edit the autoexec.nos file following directions that are listed or commented in the autoexec.nos file 13) Edit the following files to suit your station: ftpusers, ftpmotd.txt, and mboxmotd.txt 14) To run nos, Change to the nos directory 15) type nos -d c:\nos UPDATE: 1) Copy autoexec.nos from the ftp files to your nos directory 2) Copy Nos.exe from the ftp files to your nos directory 3) Edit the autoexec.nos file following directions that are listed or commented in the autoexec.nos file 4) run nos as you did before If you need more help connect via ax25 to one of the switches (w1edh-9 on 145.53, n1lmp-9 on 145.59, or n1cit-9 on 145.65) and leave a message for n1nwp (Bill) or n1lmp (Mike) and we will get back to you.