"Thanks for the use of the machine" "Thanks for the use of the machine".......You've probably heard that on the air a few times, maybe even said it once or twice. It's kinda an acknowledgment that you realize that there is considerable effort, sweat, aggravation, work, money, etc. etc. involved in the installation and maintenance of a "machine". After all there are transmitters, receivers, duplexers, controllers, hardline, antennas and all the other goodies that make the "machine" preform, right! Some users even join a club to give some support to these efforts. Fade to black.........new scene...you sit at your terminal banging out packets to where ever in the world.... ...BBbbrrraaaakkk Have you ever thought how your packet gets to where you sent it? And back? Yea I know, Electronic Magic! Well neighbor, there are "machines" out there involved in packet (called Switches. nodes or whatever), Yep, just like a voice "machine", sometime even more sophisticated. They contain transmitters, receivers, duplexers, controllers (actually computers, like your very own!) tncs, hardline, antennas and goodies (Sound familiar?) and they require effort, sweat, aggravation, work, money, (Hey! deja vu, all over again) Anyway, the people that build and maintain the "machines" (voice or packet) are, I guess, "hardware junkies". They like messin' with the equipment, making improvements, tweeakin', bitchin', and seeing the "machine" preform GREAT. They like to see users.....using the facilities, but they need support too, in any form, use, participation, hardware, expertise (in many fields) and even .... Voice "machines" usually get supported by clubs, but packet "machines", you know, the "invisible" equipment, usually only get support from a few user, "hardware junkie" types. Maybe there should be "packet clubs" for support, but that's a whole 'nother can of worms for 'nother day............. Lend YOUR support to some "machine" you use, participate somehow, at least type "Thanks for the use of the machine" when you're banging on your keyboard ........ Maybe someone will see it "trace" by.