*** Chrisnot.txt *** (previously Funk1.mid) Well, I can't quite work out what to do with the half written Chris5.mid, so I thought that this might keep you entertained in the meantime. It's not one of mine (it's got a copyright on it from Voyetra so I guess it comes with some Voyetra sequencer package). But since someone else had posted it on epas anyway (what, you hadn't noticed?!?), I thought I might at least fix it up for the Gus. I picked some noises for it, added some percussion and a screaming sawtooth solo, changed its shape a little, and did the usual Chris.mid fake effects. The result is pretty good. (Wish it WAS one of mine now ...) It uses about 520k of 16 bit samples, so it might even fit on a 256k GUS in noisy mode. (Still, why not do yourself a favour and upgrade, huh?). Not sure how it's going to run on slower machines, though, cause it's missing the odd note on my 486dx33 in typical GUS fashion. Anyway, hope you like it. Chris (chrisw@leland.stanford.edu).