To make sure this archive has not been tampered with, make sure you have all files coming with the original archive: File Name Size/Bytes Description AMOS.EXE 53,102 Main AMOS executable program. AMOS.DOC 18,133 User documentation on AMOS. HISTORY.DOC 2,632 History of AMOS. CONTENTS.TXT 922 Archive contents listing (This file). BUGREP.TXT 4,775 Send this in if you have a bug to report. SUGGEST.TXT 1,711 Send this in if you have a suggestion for AMOS. REGISTE.TXT 647 List of AMOS registration sites. DENMARK.REG 5,819 Registration form for Denmark. WORLD.REG 6,555 Registration form for countries other than Denmark. FILE_ID.DIZ 879 Description of AMOS, used by some BBS-systems as description.