Quick Reference --------------- /AWAY [] Marks your nickname as away. If someone tries to send you a private message, they will receive your optional message. /GAG Eliminates messages from the specific nickname. (only one gag at a time) /INFO Returns information on the system. /INVITE Invites a certain nickname into a channel. /JOIN {,} [{,}] Join a channel. Up to 10 channels can be entered. When you type a message it assumes that you are sending the message to the last conference /JOINed. You can switch this selection with the /SWITCH command. Keys are used for password protected channels. /LIST [{,}] [] Lists all the channels between the given channels. If no channels are given, all channels known by the server are returned. /LOG [OFF] Captures the IRC session to disk, printer or any OS/2 device. /MODE {[+|-]|i|w|s|o} Allows the user to change their mode. The following modes are avalible: i - nickname is invisible. s - nickname receives server notices. w - nickname receives wallops. o - nickname tries to be an operator. /MOTD The 'message of the day' is displayed on the screen. /MSG | Sends a private message to an individual user, or a public message to a channel. /NAMES {,} Lists all users on the given channels that are visible to user (not secret or private). If no channel is given, all are listed. /NICK Changes the current nickname to a new nickname. /NOTICE | Similar to /MSG. /PART {,} The opposite of /JOIN. The user leaves the listed channels. /PRIVMSG | Similar to /MSG. /QUIT Signoff the client (also ESC). /REPLY Replies to the user who last sent you a private message. /STATS [] Gets statistics from a server. Queries include: c - Returns the servers that the passed server may connect to or allow connections from. h - Returns the servers which are treated as leaves or allowed to act as hubs. i - Returns the hosts the server allows a client to connect from. k - Returns the banned username/hostname for that server. l - Returns the server's connections. m - Returns the list of commands supported by the server. o - Returns the hosts from which clients may become operators. y - Shows the Y lines from server's configuration file. u - Shows how long the server has been up. /SWITCH Switches your primary channel to another channel. Useful when listening to multiple channels. /TIME [] Returns the local time at that server. /TOPIC Returns the topic of the given channel. /VERSION Returns the client and server version numbers. /WHO {o} Returns information on all users who match the 'name' criteria. If the o command is given, only operators are returned. /WHOIS [] {,} Returns information on the nicknames that meet the nickmask criteria. /WHOWAS [] {nickmask,} Returns information on the nicknames that meet the nickmask criteria. Used for nicknames that no longer exist. Channel Operator Commands ------------------------- /INVITE Invites a user into a channel. This is the only way for a person to enter a private (or invitation only) channel, is to be invited. /MODE {[+|-]|o|p|s|i|t|n|b|v} [] [] [] In addition to the modes listed for users, the following exist for channel operators: o - Change the channel operator privileges. p - Set the channel to private. s - Set the channel to secret. i - Set the channel to invite-only channel. t - Have the topic settable only the channel operator. n - No messages to channel from clients on the outside. m - Moderated channel. l - Set the user limit to the channel. b - Set the ban mask to keep users out. v - Give (or take away) the ability to speak on a moderated channel. k - Set a password. /KICK [] Forces a user off the channel. The comment should be used as the reason to be kicking the person off. /TOPIC [] Sets the topic of the channel. Any message CAN be sent to the server. If you know of a message that a certain version of the IRC server supports, and it isn't listed it above, try it.