Thank you for using this "utility". I hope you find it useful and helps you spread the "WORD". In fact, as the title says, this program installs a new WPFolder class in the WPS. This new class is called WPNEWF. It has the following proprerty: If you press "F2" when opening a folder, the parent folder is closed. This helps reduce the clutter on the desktop. I had to use F2 as F1, ALT, CTRL and the SHIFT keys are already used by the WPS. Installation: ========= It is very simple, just copy the wpnewf.dll file to a directory specified in your LIBPATH (e.g. C:\OS2\DLL), then run the wpnewfi.exe program passing the directory name as a parameter (e.g. wpnewfi c:\os2\dll). You have to reboot in order to get the desired behaviour. If something goes wrong, or you want to deinstall this new class, just run wpnewfd.exe, and reboot. Overview: ======== How does the program work: very simple, I just declare a new WPS class that is a sub-class of WPFolder, and hence acts exactly as WPFolder. Then I Override wpOpen, and in there test if F2 was pressed. If No, nothing happens, and the new class just does as WPFolder was supposed to do. If F2 was pressed, the program will test if the parent folder is the desktop, if so nothing happens, otherwise, the parent folder is sent a message to close itself. Easy, isn't it. This archive contains the following files: wpnewf.dll ===========> Class module DLL, wpnewfi.exe ===========> Installation program, wpnewfd.exe ===========> De-installation program, Then the sources: ===========> Som idl definition file wpnewf.h wpnewf.c wpnewf.ih ===========> actual source files generated by the Som compiler, wpnewf.mak ===========> Make files Disclaimer: ========= I only tested this program on two machines, both under OS/2 2.1. I had no problems with it. Nevertheless, These files are supplied with no warranty whatsoever. I won't be responsible for any damage or ..... that may result from using this program. How to contact me: ================ I usually read messages on fidonet in OS2PROG, OS2WPS and OS2REXX. So If you have any remarks please leave me a message there. Otherwise, you can send me mail at: Ghassan SALEM 7Ter, Rue Duvergier 75019 Paris France. If you like the program, and you really find it usefull, you cand send any contribution you want to the above address. It will help finance the upgrade to CSet++/2 2.1.