Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
2-UP111.ZIP | Yes | 27544 | 3/13/1993 | 2-UP! is designed to half the number of pages required when printing out ascii files. At the moment it only handles pure ascii file, and understands form feeds, tabs, and linefeed/carriage return combinations. |
21UPRT.ZIP | Yes | 55211 | 6/25/1993 | 21UPRT v3.2; REXX PM program to print 2UP in landscape mode or 1UP in portrait mode on laser printers using PPDS, HPLJ or PostScript commands. Will number lines or support ANSI control characters. Suppresses multiple blank lines and page ejects. Supports A4 (European) paper size. |
2FNT.ZIP | Yes | 140386 | 8/10/1993 | PCX2FNT v1.2; Converts PCX graphics to HP LaserJet soft fonts. Convert scanned signatures, or logos & letterhead, then download & print the font on any HP LaserJet printer using most major applications. Saves print time by sending graphics only ONCE to your printer as fonts. Includes conversion, download, & unload utilities. |
2PCL.ZIP | Yes | 54108 | 8/10/1993 | PCX2PCL v1.62; Converts PCX graphics to HP PCL format. Convert scanned signatures, or logos & letterhead, then download & print the PCL macro file on any HP LaserJet printer from within most major applications. Saves print time by sending graphics only ONCE to your printer. Includes conversion, download, & unload utilities. |
BABYSPL.ZIP | Yes | 104241 | 9/14/1993 | Baby Spooler v2.0; Simplified print spooling programs. Combine any of the following features: background printing; re-routing of printed output to a disk file; monitor a designated directory for the presence of a designated file skeleton. Takes up very little memory; fast, efficient printing. |
BANNER.ZIP | Yes | 62183 | 5/1/1993 | BANNERIFIC v2.1; Allows you to create Vertical or Horizontal Block Letter Banners on virtually any printer. |
BOOKLS23.ZIP | Yes | 122958 | 7/3/1993 | BOOKLET-Screen v2.3; Laser printer utility. Makes PC booklets. Supports A4, Letter, Legal paper. Prints 4 pages per sheet. Set margins. Maintains formatting, scales fonts. Extensive printer jam recovery. Custom headers and footers [file name, date, page numbers...] Lots more options! Customize for your favorites. Menu/Screen interface. |
BOOKLT44.ZIP | Yes | 51570 | 7/3/1993 | BOOKLET v4.4; Laser printer utility. Makes PC booklets. Supports A4, Letter, Legal paper. Prints 4 pages per sheet. Set margins. Maintains formatting, scales fonts. Extensive printer jam recovery. Custom headers and footers [file name, date, page numbers...] Lots more options! Customize for your favorites. Command Line interface. |
BURGT1.ZIP | Yes | 21914 | 7/16/1993 | Burgundian Postscript Adobe font; medieval font based on 16th century calligraphy from the region between Southern France and Southern Germany. It is an unusual, ornate style, well suited to formal titles/documents but quite bold and readable. w/AFM/PFB/PFM |
CASEY101.ZIP | Yes | 306233 | 12/5/1993 | CASEY - Calendars the Easy Way v1.01; Great Calendars from your Laser Printer! Many different styles, all very pretty. All Graphic, Feature Packed Dos program. |
DJCHEK.ZIP | Yes | 63638 | 11/8/1993 | DJ-CHECK v2.01; Print checks on DeskJet printers- Print any size checks (personal or business) using DeskJet Printer. Fully configurable for perfect printing placment on any size check. Keeps a record on disk of each check you print, and keeps a running balance as you print checks. |
DJFONTS.ZIP | Yes | 301007 | 8/28/1993 | DESKJET FONTS & UTILITIES v1.5; 18 soft fonts for the DeskJet family of printers. Includes utility programs, drivers for WP, MS Word/Works, PC Write, and others, plus a tutorial on soft fonts. Helv, Roman, Old English, Dingbats, and Square typefaces. |
DJLOPE.ZIP | Yes | 87330 | 11/8/1993 | DJLOPE v4.01; Envelope printer/database for DeskJets- Print envelopes on the DeskJet family of printers on the fly or from multiple databases of up to 250 addresses each. Easy user interface, multiple return addresses, PostNet barcodes, internal and cartridge fonts, LPT1, 2 or 3. |
DJSLEV.ZIP | Yes | 24921 | 11/8/1993 | DJSLEEVE v2.0; Print floppy storage sleeves on DeskJets- Just slip a floppy disk in Drive A or Drive B, load this easy-to- use program, and in just seconds your DeskJet will print out a sleeve template containing the names, dates and sizes of all the files on the disk, subdirectories included. |
DLIST30.ZIP | Yes | 194266 | 12/10/1993 | DISKLIST v3.0 & labels with the directory contents for 5.25", 3.5", and hard disks in 39 formats. DISKLIST reads all sub-dirs. Prints different or duplicate lists on every label on Avery Laser label sheets. Prints on disk sleeves with PCL5. Font downloading. Can display file names in ZIP, LHZ, etc. DISKFLAP holds non- sticky list to 3.5" disks. Configure list layout. Shading, multiple selection spec. |
DSII.ZIP | Yes | 353937 | 8/22/1993 | DISK SPOOL II v4.06; Now in its 8th year, DISK SPOOL II is a tried and true TSR that creates a sophisticated, yet simple to use background printing environment for your PC. Full-featured pop- up menu; fast printing; multiple copies; COM or LPT ports; Windows 3.x enabled; plotters too; takes up as little as 20k; uses disk to store print files; allocates disk dynamically. |
DUPLEX.ZIP | Yes | 13812 | 7/1/1993 | DUPLEX; Simple and yet complete program to facilitate printing on both sides of the paper. The program produces two files: one file with odd-numbered pages, the other with even-numbered pages, which can be printed separatly. Correctly handles formatted and unformatted input-files. No matter how your printer stacks the paper, you won't need to reshuffle the sheets when DUPLEX is used. |
ENV411.ZIP | Yes | 131895 | 12/31/1993 | ENVELOPES PLUS - Print envelopes/labels. Convenient database for addresses & more. Dials phone numbers, prints bulk rate stamps, large memo fields, Rolodex cards. Great for the beginner - intuitive menus yet powerful enough for small businesses. Prints to dot matrix, inkjets & lasers. Supports popular Avery 8.5" x 11" sheets. Can run on < 100K disk space! Ver. 4.11 |
EZSET21.ZIP | Yes | 64185 | 9/7/1993 | EZSET v2.1; Will access all of your printer's features, including those not available from the control panel. All you need to use EZSET effectively is your printer's manual. |
HPGL312.ZIP | Yes | 356477 | 5/10/1993 | GNU HP-GL Conversion Utility With Source Code |
INKJET21.ZIP | Yes | 169212 | 12/31/1993 | DESKJET SURVIVAL KIT - HP inkjet utility Includes many utilities, e.g., 1) prints 8 pages of ASCII text on 1 sheet, 2) TSR ESC code control panel; 3) TSR address grabber for printing envelopes; 4) more. Explains how to refill empty cartridges. |
KWKLBL40.ZIP | Yes | 108060 | 2/4/1994 | KwikLabel v4.0/A; Prints Graphics on regular labels. Prints little return address with attractive borders on labels or envelopes. Makes regular labels with choice of fonts. Prints address and return address on envelope at same time. Will print the Postal barcode. The Custom Border Editor lets you design unique borders. NEW; the Mailing List for mass mailings and PM/PS graphics printing on regular labels. |
LJ3FONT.ZIP | Yes | 278170 | 8/25/1993 | LASERJET 3 & 4 SCALABLE FONTS v1.3; Five scalable PCL5 fonts for LaserJet III & IV printers. WordPerfect & MS Word/Works drivers plus tutorial on fonts. Baha, Cooper Black, Cooper Italic, Penoir, & ESF Rounded. |
LJFONTS7.ZIP | Yes | 291512 | 8/24/1993 | LASERJET FONTS & UTILITIES v1.7; 23 soft fonts for LaserJet or compatible printers. Includes utility programs, print drivers for WP & MS Word/Works, & tutorial on soft fonts. Black Chance, Broadway, Century, Greek, Flourish, Helv, Roman, & Script fonts. |
LJLND.ZIP | Yes | 105722 | 8/10/1993 | LJLAND v3.11; Prints text files 1up thru 5up in landscape on any LaserJet printer. Prints documentation, listings, spreadsheets, duplexed with 1+ columns per side on any LaserJet. Multiple files, word wrap, headers, titles, net jobs, redirection, paper source, short & long binder format, greenbar, copies, environment variable, alternate font, page range, half-sheet, legal & A4 paper, & more. |
LJSLEV.ZIP | Yes | 24678 | 11/8/1993 | LJSLEEVE v2.0; Print floppy storage sleeves on LaserJets- Just slip a floppy disk in Drive A or B, load this easy-to-use program, and in just seconds your LaserJet or compatible will print out a sleeve template with all the names, dates and sizes of the files on the disk, subdirectories included. |
LMAN520A.ZIP | Yes | 267220 | 1/1/1994 | LASR_MAN v5.20; Great for manuals, docs, drafts, legal, etc. - save up to 93% of paper usage! Laser/ink jet printer utility for ASCII text files with 36 styles; portrait or landscape with 10-33 cpi; print on one or both sides/sheet; landscape-1/2/4/8/16 text page/sheet (tpps); portrait-1/2/4/8 tpps; pamphlet/book (multi- files)-4/8/16 tpps; covers; "rubber stamp" feature; options++. |
LMAN520B.ZIP | Yes | 46604 | 1/1/1994 | LMAN5201 [2/4]; Letter Gothic soft fonts for the program LASR_MAN, to support HP LaserJet+ printers and compatibles. These fonts, in both Portrait and Landscape for all five font sizes, are Type 1, containing the ASCII characters 32- 127 and 160-255 - a total of 192 characters. |
LMAN520C.ZIP | Yes | 44695 | 1/1/1994 | LMAN5202 [3/4]; Letter Gothic soft fonts for the program LASR_MAN, to support HP LaserJet II printers and compatibles - any laser printer that cannot rotate portrait fonts to landscape. These fonts, in Landscape only for all five font sizes, are Type 2, containing the ASCII characters 32-255. |
LMAN520D.ZIP | Yes | 60861 | 1/1/1994 | LMAN5203 [4/4]; Letter Gothic soft fonts for the program LASR_MAN, to support HP DeskJet printers and compatibles. These fonts, in both Portrait and Landscape for all five font sizes, are Type 2, containing the ASCII characters 32- 255. The DeskJet printer requires an additional memory cartridge in order to support soft font downloading. |
LQMX444A.ZIP | Yes | 118664 | 1/14/1994 | LQMATRIX: 24 PIN DOT MATRIX FONTS 4.44 Lqmatrix contains 50 ready to go soft fonts: Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, OCR-A & OCR-B plus designer fonts for Epson compatible dot matrix printers. Instructions for use with Word Perfect 5.1 and PC-Write are included. |
LQMX444B.ZIP | Yes | 94141 | 8/11/1993 | LQMATRIX v4.44 [2/3] Custom Fonts Softfonts and softfont editor for Epson LQ 24 pin dot matrix printers and com- patibles. It comes with over fifty ready to use fonts. This archive contains the downloader and two sets of specially created fonts. |
LQMX444C.ZIP | Yes | 123450 | 1/14/1994 | LQMATRIX v4.44 [3/3] Fonts Documentation Text mode softfonts and softfont editor for Epson LQ 24 pin dot matrix printers and compatibles. This archive contains the downloader and a set of five specially made fonts and all the documentation. |
MM30.ZIP | Yes | 240549 | 8/10/1993 | Mail Machine v3.0; HP LaserJet label & envelope printing software. Supports labels & envelopes of any size, manual data entry, ASCII data import, all fonts, PCX graphics, POSTNET Zips, batch mode. Printing organized into repeatable "jobs". Extremely flexible. |
PIXCT27.ZIP | Yes | 69968 | 7/10/1993 | PixCat prints a catalog of graphics for NewsMaster, PrintMaster, 'Old' and 'New' Print Shops PixCat supports many printers including Epsons, IBM Graphics, various HP LaserJets, OKIDATAs, and many more PixCat runs on any PC, XT, AT, PS/2, or compatible running DOS 20 or higher Shareware Version 27 adds HP LaserJet support. |
PRINTGF.ZIP | Yes | 141137 | 11/21/1993 | PRINTGF v1.08; GIF/JPG/BMP/PCX/TIF printer for IBM/DOS systems. Outputs 240 level/plane b/w or color, with pattern and/or error diffusion dithering, brightness and contrast control, gamma and gray balance color correction, user selectable clip area, print size, portrait or landscape. Supports 9, 24 pin printers, HP LaserJet, DeskJet, PaintJet, Canon BJ, BJC, VESA SVGA, and many other printers and displays. |
PRINTGL.ZIP | Yes | 269410 | 11/1/1993 | PRINTGL v1.40; Pen plotter emulator package for DOS, Windows systems. It prints or displays HP-GL from most CAD and graphing packages. Supports 9, 24 pin printers, Canon LBP, BJ, BJC, HP LaserJet, DeskJet, HP-GL/2 devices, PDP ProTracer, PostScript, VESA SVGA, and many other printers and displays, and outputs PCX files. User selectable pen width, color, shading, and paper size, magnification, etc. |
PRNCOM.ZIP | Yes | 21640 | 1/30/1994 | PRINT COMMANDER! v3.5s; TSR dot matrix and inkjet printer utility.- Small memory resident program that lets the user change printer instructions, such as fonts, print mode, and paper position, from the keyboard instead of at the printer. Also allows the user to enter escape codes and print out text files directly. |
PRNPLS.ZIP | Yes | 71616 | 8/2/1993 | PRINTPLUS v6.6; Tag and Print, Copy, Move, Delete files. View files. Pull Dn Menus. Option to save paper. Print select pages. Adjustable MARGINS. Preview # of pages. Old left margin strip. INSPECT file for Formfeeds, Tabs, Left Margin, and longest line.Print to Lpt1, Lpt2, Prn, Com or a filename. Mouse support. Now adds laser support and faster file moves. |
PRNWAT.ZIP | Yes | 1669 | 7/9/1993 | PRNWATCH (Printer Watch) is a TSR pgm that monitors all printer activity via INT 17h. includes ASM source |
PRTGF106.ZIP | Yes | 73009 | 9/2/1993 | PRINTGF v1.04; GIF printer for IBM/DOS systems. Outputs 240 level/plane b/w or color, with pattern and/or error diffusion dithering, brightness and contrast control, gamma and gray balance color correction, user selectable clip area, print size, portrait or landscape. Supports 9, 24 pin printers, HP LaserJet, DeskJet, PaintJet, Canon LBP, BJ, BJC, PDP ProTracer, VESA SVGA, and many other printers and displays. |
PSSLEV.ZIP | Yes | 63992 | 11/8/1993 | PSSLEEVE v2.O; PostScript floppy storage sleeve printer- Print floppy disk storage sleeves on your PostScript printer. Just insert a floppy disk in Drive A or B and print a sleeve template containing all filenames, dates, & sizes including subdirectories. |
QENV.ZIP | Yes | 101070 | 5/4/1993 | QENV v2.43; Quick & easy envelope printer and letter writer. Will store names & addresses for easy recall, the letter writer includes mail-merge capabilities. You can create a general form letter using ^FIRST_NAME^ (variables) and print the letter and envelope to the addressee stored in the database. If you want a simple program to print envelopes or letters this is the program for you. |
SOFTSH31.ZIP | Yes | 84086 | 6/16/1993 | SOFTSHOP v3.1; Menu shell for viewing and printing ASCII files, like product & service listings to send to people who request catalog information. Ideal for mail-order vendors of Public Domain and Shareware software, but also for any type of merchandise, ser- vice, or ASCII files, including software or hardware vendors, book sellers, membership recruiters, and donation seekers. Features 6 horizontal and 54 ver- |
SUPFNT1.ZIP | Yes | 252802 | 8/24/1993 | SUPER FONTS I v1.3; Collection of 17 display fonts for LaserJet or compatible printers. Includes Black Chance, Cooper Black, Cursive Elegant, Dom Casual, Hobo, Old English, Revue, Stensil & Zap Chance plus WP & Word drivers, utility programs, and a tutorial on soft font. |
TSRDL29D.ZIP | Yes | 200586 | 8/24/1993 | TSR DOWNLOAD v2.9d; The soft font manager for LaserJet or DeskJet soft fonts. 7K TSR compresses fonts to cut size by 6, finds all fonts in up to 8 directories, displays them in English. You can donwload, control the printer, and much more. Comes with sample LJ & DJ soft fonts. |
WONBAR44.ZIP | Yes | 87772 | 6/4/1993 | WonderBar v4.4 (ASP)- a TSR (memory-resident) program which lets you print POSTNET bar codes wherever you want them: on mailing labels, letters, envelopes, etc. WonderBar works with whatever word processor, mailing list, or database program you already use. It allows side-by-side (2-up, 3-up, 4-up, etc.) labels, and 5- to 50-digit ZIP Codes. WonderBar takes up less than 3K of memory. NO CHARGE for personal use by individuals. |