README for CPPTBAR.ZIP This source code shows how to create simple bitmap toolbars using the technique shown in IBM distributed FRMSUB.ZIP but using the IBM User Interface Class Libraries supplied with C/Set++ 2.0 and 2.1 The technique is fairly simple. 1. Create a BITMAP Menu in your RC for the items that you want on the Toolbar. The following is a simple demostration of Toolbar RC files BITMAP 201 tb1.bmp /* MID_TB_1 */ BITMAP 202 tb2.bmp /* MID_TB_2 */ MENU WND_BAR BEGIN MENUITEM "#201", MID_TB_1, MIS_BITMAP MENUITEM "#202", MID_TB_2, MIS_BITMAP END 2. Create a derived class of IFrameWindow and ICommandHandler class ToolBar : public IFrameWindow, // Define ToolBar Class from public ICommandHandler // IFrameWindow & ICommandHandler { public: ToolBar(unsigned long windowId); Boolean command(ICommandEvent& cEvent); }; // End of Toolbar class definition 3. Make sure that derive class above doesn't use defaultStyle, only thing that is necessary is menuBar style, if you defind it as defaultStyle you would get another TitleBar and the appearence is not desirable. ToolBar::ToolBar(unsigned long windowId) : IFrameWindow ( IFrameWindow::menuBar, windowId) { handleEventsFor(this); //Set self as command event handler setFocus(); //Set focus to main window show(); //Set to show main window } /* end ToolBar :: ToolBar(...) */ 4. Finally you need to add code to the FrameWindow that you are adding the Toolbar to. Thanks to IFrameWindows addExtension function this is really simple. myToolBar = new ToolBar(WND_BAR); addExtension(myToolBar,IFrameWindow::aboveClient, 40); Note: I use size of 40 here for this demostration, I attempted to find a method of providing an automatic size determination of the bitmap.. With more research, a more desirable technique for automatically determining the size could be found. I have included a simple example program that demostrates this technique.. It requires IBM CSet++ compiler.. Basically I added a Toolbar similar to the one provide in but I also extended it to include a Toolbar on the right side of the Window. I also allow you to remove and add the Toolbars back and forth on the window. Alot of credit to this sample has to be giving to FRMSUB.ZIP, but it worth while that its easy to make Toolbars using IBM Class Libraries Stewart Hyde CIS: 71034,3712 GEnie: S.HYDE Asst Sysop OS/2 RT