INSTALLATION: To install Liberty BASIC, first make sure that you are not running Windows. The program INSTALL.EXE is included with Liberty BASIC to install it for you. Run this program, and you will be asked where Windows resides. The default is C:\WINDOWS. If Windows resides anywhere else, you must specify it here. Now you will be asked where to install Liberty BASIC. The default is C:\LIBERTY. If you want it to be installed elsewhere, then you must specify it here. You will then be given an opportunity to abort the installation. If you choose not to abort, then installation will begin then. Once installation is complete, you may load Windows. If you specified any directory to install Liberty BASIC into other than \LIBERTY, then you will need to alter the properties for the Liberty BASIC icon to indicate where it is installed. Otherwise you can just go ahead and double-click on its icon to start Liberty BASIC. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Known bugs: Windows tries to match fonts more or less with size being | | more important than the name of the font. When Liberty BASIC loads, it | | tries to get a font of a certain size. On some systems, this ends up | | being the Symbol font, which is unusable. If your system does this, | | then pull down the System menu and select "Fonts...", then find a font | | that suits your taste best. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Liberty BASIC starts with a file browser window. It is arranged as four panes, three across the top, and one on the bottom like so: +--------------------------------------------------------------+ | - Liberty BASIC c:\liberty v ^ | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ | a [1] | [..] [2] | demo.bas [3] | | b | liberty | read.bas | | c | msdos | test.bas | | | | | | select drive here | select directory | select file here | | | here | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ | [4] | | | | | | | | see BASIC source code here | | | | | | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ Select the drive to browse in pane [1], then select the directory (usually liberty) to browse in pane [2], then finally the file to browse in pane [3]. When the .BAS file is selected, its source will be displayed in pane [4]. To run the program, position the cursor inside of pane [3] and press the right hand mouse button and a menu will appear. Then select the item BASIC source editor, and a new window will open which will contain a copy of the source for the selected file. Then position the cursor inside of that pane and again press the right hand mouse button for another menu. There are two options available, Run and Debug. Run compiles and runs the program, and Debug provides the additional benefit of a 3 level source level debugger with optional watch window (v 0.9 let's you do this in pane 4 without opening a seperate BASIC source editor). If you want help, you can get this on-line by pulling down the Help menu and selecting either Liberty BASIC Notes, or Command Reference. If you select a word in the source editor and then select help, the system will try to find that word or command in the text. HINT for 286 users with only 3 megabytes of RAM: --------------------------------------------------- 3 megabytes RAM is very tight for Liberty BASIC when running in Standard Mode. If low memory errors make Liberty BASIC unusable, try to free up as much extended memory as possible. If all else fails, try this: Run Windows ; Run Liberty BASIC ; Exit Liberty BASIC ; Run Liberty BASIC again As strange a ritual as this may seem, it does something to the way Liberty BASIC manages its memory, making those low memory errors much less trouble. We cannot guarantee that this trick will work on your system.