Serious Cybernetics is looking for beta testers Serious Cybernetics is currently assembling a beta team to test future versions of RkPlus, as well as other programming libraries that are currently in development. If you are interested in becoming a Serious Cybernetics Beta Site, fill out BETASITE.FRM and mail it to: Serious Cybernetics 6804 Belton Place Lula, GA 30554-2622 USA Serious Cybernetics libraries currently support Turbo/Borland Pascal(tm) and Stony Brook Pascal+(tm), but we are presently developing versions of RkPlus for QuickBASIC(tm) and C, and are interested in developing libraries for other languages as well. ACTIVE beta testers will receive a free registration of libraries tested. All testing is done through a special beta area of our support BBS (Phoenix StarFighter BBS * (404) 869-3410 * FidoNet 1:3616/20).