This is a file written in debug from "DOS RESOURCE GUIDE" to access the ANSI commands from the command line using your DOS manual or 3rd party guides you can access most ANSI commands using ESC.COM examples of SYNTAX are as follows; ESC [1;33;44m this will give a color monitor intense yellow forground with blue back ground. Be sure to leave a space between ESC and the first [ of your paramaters. Another SYNTAX could be; ESC [=3h this will give a color monitor 80 character line with 25 screen line Have fun and experment with the power of ANSI on you system and when you check it out you will find that you can also assign keys to do functions for you. Such a SYNTAX could be; ESC [0;68;"DIR";13p this will redefine F10 key to give you a DIR listing This is a small file and require very little memory, you can run from a Batch file or from Command line. But, none of this will run unless you have your ANSI.SYS loaded into your CONFIG.SYS file the SYNTAX for loading ANSI.SYS is a line in your config.sys; DEVICE=ANSI.SYS or DEVICE=C:\DOS\ANSI.SYS or where ever else you may have stored your DOS files. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ D.A.M ENTERPRISES ³ ³ 3506 French ST ³ ³ Erie, PA 16504 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ These programs upload to you from D.A.M. Enterprises, Home to Computer graphics for Desktop Publishing, PrintMaster, PrintShop, NewPrintShop and various formats for Apple, Commodore, Atari, CoCo, etc...