DEFERRED UTILITIES LANtastic v 5.0 offers a new deferred login feature. This allows you to log into a server that may not be active (and even log into a server that does not exist :-). While this is a very useful feature not all of the net utilities handle a deferred login gracefully if the server is not active when they are run. Both net clock and net postbox will generate a critical error if a server loggged into with the deferred switch is not yet active. There is no way to test to see if a server that has been logged into with the deferred switch is now active without generating a critical error . . . until now. SRVRTST.EXE Srvrtst will test a server whose name is entered on the command line, if the workstation is logged into the server and the server is active srvrtst will return an error level of 0. If the workstation is logged into the server BUT the server is currently unavailable, srvrtst will return an error of 1. If the workstation is NOT logged into the server srvrtst will return an error level of 2. Assume that you have a workstation and two servers, sam and george. Sam is active and george has not been turned on yet. You issue the commands: Net login/deferred \\sam net login/deferred \\george SRVRTST \\SAM will return an error level of 0 SRVRTST \\GEORGE will return an error level of 1 SRVRTST \\BILLY will return an error level of 2 The following batch file shows how this command can be used test.bat @echo off srvrtst %1 if errorlevel==2 goto notserver if errorlevel==1 goto unserver echo Server %1 available for use goto end :unserver echo Server %1 unavailable for use goto end :notserver echo Not logged into server %1 :end POSTBOX.EXE Postbox works the same as the net postbox command with two exceptions; 1) It will NOT return a critical error if it encounters an inactive deferred login. 2) It returns the total number of waiting messages in the error level so this command can be used in batch files to allow you to load the mail command if there is waiting mail. CLOCK.EXE Clock works the same as the net clock command, it will set the local time based on the time on a specified server. If the server is not active clock will return error levels based on the state of the server the error levels are the same as those generated by the srvrtst command. The only difference between srvrtst and clock is that clock changes the system time if successful. IE: NO error returns 0 and system time is set Logged in but inactive returns 1 Not Logged into server returns 2 Legalities SRVRTST.EXE, POSTBOX.EXE, and CLOCK.EXE are not freeware, nor are then in the public domain. They are shareware programs, and the entire program and documentation are Copyright (C) 1993 Rick R. Roth, Tucson, Az. You are encouraged to copy the package freely, including distribution by BBS, shareware library, or other means, provided that (1) the distribution shall consist of the original archive containing the program and this documentation file, and (2) no fee of more than five US dollars ($5) shall be charged for the copy. Registration To register your copies send a postcard to: Rick R. Roth P.O. Box 5011 Tucson, Az 85703 THIS COPY IS LICENSED FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE LICENSEE. This license is good for one network, and the software can be installed on all computers on this network. Liability ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º º º LIMIT OF LIABILITY º º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º º The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or º º implied and assumes no liability for damages either from its º º direct use or as a consequence of its use. Have you hugged º º your backup today? º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ I have tested it on several computers and found that found that it works well on all of them. All computers have been running LANtastic(tm) NOS v5.0 and above and all running MS DOS 3.3 and above. Please note that while the author is an employee of Artisoft, Inc., Artisoft is not responsible for the contents of this file; the functioning of ANET.EXE (or any damages resulting from the use or misuse of the program); and further, Artisoft Technical Support and other employees of Artisoft, Inc. are NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPPORTING THIS PROGRAM! If you have problems or suggestions when using this program, direct them to me Rick R. Roth through one of the following channels: US Mail: P.O. Box 5011, Tucson, AZ 85703 CompuServ: Artisoft forum, 75300,1377 Arti-facts BBS: If you have a current account there. Do NOT call the author during business hours for support, this program was not written during business hours, it will not be supported during business hours.