WinCIS support requires a change to the WINCIS.TPL file. In the [GO FORUM] section, add the following at the end, prior to the [GO LIB] section: ; *** Added to accomodate CatCIS download scripts*** %IF FILEEXISTS &&CONTROLPATH&&FORUMNAME.DOW %%ECHO Executing &&FORUMNAME.DOW %%DO &&CONTROLPATH&&FORUMNAME.DOW %%@Unable to execute &&CONTROLPATH&&FORUMNAME.DOW %%%KILLFILE &&CONTROLPATH&&FORUMNAME.DOW %%%SEND ^M %%%WAIT FORUM ! %Echo CatCIS download check complete ; [GO LIB] By adding these lines to the wincis.tpl file, the next time you enter a forum, a check is made to determine if a related *.dow file exists. If so, it is executed, downloading files, and then erased. It is important to note that you must cause WinCIS to enter the forum. This may be done by any of the normal means available in WinCIS, such as requesting a message scan, section update, etc. I have yet to figure out a way to automatically enter a forum, although I am sure it could be done in a WinCIS button for CatCIS (after CatCIS is executed via the WinCIS button, check for a related *.dow file in the CONTROL directory; if it exists, set an action to enter the forum). CatCIS will create the appropriate *.dow file in the directory specified in Options|Configure for the *.sec directory. This must be your WinCIS control directory for the script to function properly. The *.dow file created by CatCIS is nothing more than a simple script and is subject to some limitations. If the file you are attempting does not exist in the library, the script will get confused and generally fail.