"hung over""%*@:-(" "braindead""%-6" "left handed""(-:" "mr. bill!""(8-o" "frowning""(:-(" "surprised""(:-)" "big-face""(:-)" "egghead""(:I" "bozo the clown!""*:o)" "santa claus""*<:-)" "religious""+-:-)" "priest""+:-)" "winking one-eye"",-)" "wry and winking"",-}" "shaved one eyebrow off"",:-)" "one eye"".-)" "one-eyed smilely"".-]" "mr. spock""/:-|" "cyclops/scuba diver""0-)" "pet - mean""3:[" "pet""3:]" "excited""8-)" "glasses""8-)" "swimmer""8-)" "pet beaver""8-=" "glasses on forehead""8:-)" "wizard""8:-)" "little girl""8:-)" "crying"":'-(" "happy, s/he is crying"":'-)" "midget"":)" "drunk"":*)" "punched nose"":+(" "hurt"":+(" "crying"":,(" "braces"":-#" "mustache, bushy "":-#|" "mouth wired shut"":-$" "banker"":-%" "tongue tied"":-&" "smoker"":-'" "frown"":-(" "ha ha"":-)" "basic"":-)" "big girl"":-)-8" "drools"":-)~" "eating something bitter"":-*" "eating something sour"":-*" "undecided lefty"":-/" "skeptical"":-/" "orator"":-0" "yelling"":-0" "bland face"":-1" "eating something sour"":-6" "wry statement"":-7" "condescending stare"":-8(" "licking lips"":-9" "toothless"":-:" "mutant"":-:" "sad smiley"":-<" "hey hey"":->" "biting sarcastic remark"":->" "smokes a pipe"":-?" "screaming"":-@" "really bummed"":-C" "laughing"":-D" "bucktoothed vampire"":-E" "indifferent"":-I" "ohh, big mouth, mick jagger"":-O" "nyahhhh!"":-P" "incoherent statement"":-S" "bow tie"":-X" "lips are sealed"":-X" "vampire"":-[" "undecided smiley"":-\" "spitting out chewing tobacco"":-`" "left-pointing tongue"":-b" "bummed out"":-c" "lefty smiley razzing you"":-d" "disappointed"":-e" "semi-smiley"":-i" "left smiling smilely"":-j" "yawn"":-o" "singing national anthem"":-o" "tongue sticking out"":-p" "touch tongue to nose"":-q" "bizarre comment"":-s" "cross"":-t" "talking head"":-v" "mustache"":-{" "mustache"":-{)" "wearing lipstick"":-{}" "have an ordinary day"":-|" "beard"":-}" "has a cold"":-~)" "normal glasses""::-)" "ivy league school"":<)" "two noses"":=)" "laughter"":D" "hmmm..."":I" "yelling"":O" "bummer"":[" "gleep"":]" "pointy nose (righty)"":^)" "broken nose"":^)" "nose sliding off face"":_)" "funny-looking right nose"":n)" "funny-looking left nose"":u)" "left-pointing nose"":v)" "broken nose"":v)" "wink"";-)" "disappointed""<:-(" "dunce""<:-I" "dunce""<:I" "chinese""<|-)" "punk-rocker""=:-)" "hosehead""=:-)" "mad, annoyed"">:-(" "mad"">:-<" "devilish remark"">:->" "very lewd remark"">;->" "turban""@:-)" "turban""@:I" "nuclear war""@=" "horn-rimmed glasses""B-)" "sunglasses on head""B:-)" "chef""C=:-)" "ham radio operator""E-:-)" "propeller beenie""K:P" "angel""O:-)" "cyclops""O-)" "megaton man on patrol!""O-)" "colonel klink""P-)" "died""X-(" "wearing a walkman""[:-)" "robot""[:]" "shaved one eyebrow off""`:-)" "puzzled, confused""oo-" "toupee""{:-)" "hee hee""|-)" "ho ho""|-D" "sleeping""|-I" "yawning/snoring""|-O" "yuk""|-P" "groucho marx""|:['" "asleep""|I" "snoring""|^o" "toupee in an updraft""}:-(" "happy"":)" "sad"":(" "suprised""8-O" "mad"">-(" "cool shades""]-)" "cool do""@:)" "cyborg""[:|]" "popeye""!-)" "exploding cigar"":-*" "mein fuhrer"":-=(" "ouch!""%(" "handlebar mustache"":-{)" "lumiere""~~=8-)=[|{" "opportunity""$-)" "mickey mouse""8:)" "bored""z|-{" "smirk"";-/" "big nose"":O)" "bad thoughts""*:-(" "bright idea""*:-)" "concentrating""|-." "dead cyclops""x-(" "kiss"":-x" "pinocchio""8^)" "elvis is alive""C:-)" "smoker"":-Q" "grim"":-l" "puzzled""?:-l" "pipe smoker""8-?" "anxious""<:-("