TIMEZONE README.TXT TIMEZONE (WinTZ) (version 01.12) is a program written for Windows 3.1(tm) which displays the time in the 24 time zones (approximately) around the world. DC0112.ZIP contains the following files: README.TXT 07/16/93 14:30:00 (this file); WINTZ.HLP 07/16/93 14:30:00 WINTZ.EXE 07/16/93 14:30:00 BWCC.DLL 06/10/92 03:10:00 Unpack, using PKUNZIP version 2.04g or later, the zip file into a new dirctory of your choice (suggest \wintz) or in a directory of your choice. Install the program WINTZ.EXE into a new or existing program group. The user has the option to choose 12 or 24 hour format (Civilian or Military time) and whether the display is representing Daylight Savings or Standard Time. Additionally, each of the 24 time zone names can be changed and saved (if desired) as the new default names. Two highlighted areas are shown in the zone area. One represents the user's time zone (which can be set by the user) while the other can be positioned over any zone of interest for easy identification. Indicators are provided to indicate if a time is in the current day, next day or previous day relative to the user's selected time zone, and whether the time in a zone, is in relative day or night periods. The program also includes a help file describing the capabilities and definitions of the display provided. Other CSS products available on CompuServe and from CSS are: DISKMAN - A Windows(tm) compatible disk/file manager for up to 32767 files. CIS Registration ID 979. DIRTREE - A Windows(tm) graphicall directory tree display. DIGICLK - A Windows(tm) digital clock always on top. Custom Software Services P.O. Box 850776 Richardson, Texas 75085-0776