Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
2DOV11.ZIP | Yes | 412250 | 11/10/1993 | 2DO PERSONAL TASK MANAGER VERSION 1.1B Personal Task Manager for MS Windows- 2Do is a robust yet easy to use PIM. Software Creations calls it 'a powerful PIM, with considerable depth.' Windows Sources states that '2Do provides users with task-management solutions that are unequaled by any commercial PIM. |
9LIVES0D.ZIP | Yes | 33099 | 7/28/1993 | 9 Lives v1.0d; 9 Lives is a desktop expander. It makes nine "virtual desktops" available to the user, instead of the standard one. Why is this useful? It reduces window clutter and allows you to organize groups of windows more effectively. |
ABM117.ZIP | Yes | 30052 | 7/16/1993 | Activate BackMenu v1.17: MS-Windows utility that floats on top of all other windows and allows easy access to Backmenu(2) when the desktop is not visible from a full screen application and/or the hot-key conflicts with the current app. Req VBRUN200.DLL |
ABOUTIME.ZIP | Yes | 70245 | 11/3/1993 | ABOUT TIME v1.0; Clock/calendar program, main feature is that it is not necessary to maximise it to tell the time: it places the time right on the title bar (caption) of your currently active application, as long as that application is not iconized, and as long as the Window is a parent window. |
ABV30.ZIP | Yes | 251553 | 12/15/1993 | Above & Beyond 3.0 - Excellent Windows PIM. Enjoy Above & Beyond's superb Dynamic Scheduling. Feel your productivity surge as it streamlines your workflow. Handles all types of recurring items. Features pop-up alarms, week/month views, timers, task tracking, launch apps on schedule, contact database, auto-dialing, and more. Online Help. Includes workgroup/LAN support. |
ADDRDB.ZIP | Yes | 280953 | 1/15/1994 | ADDRESS DATABASE 1.1 Windows Phone/Address Personal Information Manager. This is the most robust address manager available! |
ADDRES11.ZIP | Yes | 632211 | 8/20/1993 | Windows Address Book for Business and Personal Use |
ADDRESSA.ZIP | Yes | 381043 | 11/12/1993 | ENVADDRESS v1.75; Address manager, phone dialing with redialing when busy, printing of address lists, envelopes and laser labels. Copying of address, dialing and envelope/label printing with a single mouse click. Up to 15,000 characters of remarks for each address. |
ALM31A.ZIP | Yes | 281987 | 10/12/1993 | ALMANAC v3.1a: Calendar/Info/Note/Scheduler For Windows 3.1 - Several Types Of Calendars, Moon Phases, Holiday Displays, Truetype Font Support, Time Zones. Full-featured classic. |
APPAD40A.ZIP | Yes | 178867 | 9/26/1993 | Application Pad v4.0a; This program provides an alternative to Window's Program Manager. It is an application pad that stays only on one side of your screen. You can launch your favorite programs from it. It comes with a digital clock, a calender, an X-EYES, a screen blanker, 4-Screen Virtual Desktop |
ATT302.ZIP | Yes | 252591 | 11/6/1993 | All the Time 3.02. This modest, unassuming little clock will surprise you with its versatilitty, huh huh huh. Show time/date in any format you can concoct. Monitor memory/ resources. Display tree/moon graphics showing seasons, moon phases, night/day. Customize - from minimalist to silly to info-packed. Requires VBRUN300.DLL and Win 3.1. Free. |
BARCLK23.ZIP | Yes | 36484 | 11/26/1993 | BarClock v2.3: formerly WinClock, MS-Windows util that displays useful information such as the time (in any number of time zones), the date, free memory, free resources and free disk space (on any number of drives) in the caption bar of the active window. will optionally monitor the system & issue a warning if you run low on memory, resources or disk space. |
BINGO.ZIP | Yes | 80760 | 9/28/1993 | One-click launching can replace a crowded Program Manager's multichoice selection process for your favorite apps. |
BTNGO.ZIP | Yes | 75630 | 9/28/1993 | BTNGO v1.0; One-click launching can replace a crowded Program Manager's multichoice selection process for your favorite apps. |
CATCHME.ZIP | Yes | 164369 | 10/13/1993 | CatchMe - displays a very small date/time windows that stays on top and moves out of the way whenever the mouse cursor comes near it. Now requires VBRUN300. |
CB200.ZIP | Yes | 531591 | 9/1/1993 | Clysmic Icon Bar v2.0; The only tree structured button bar program launcher. Has drag n' drop launch/add, DOS icon support, many color & style options. New version with no INI editing! Can be Win shell, has Startup menu bar, full Windows Help and Install. |
CM_S_PK2.ZIP | Yes | 175556 | 11/7/1993 | CATCH-me does two things: It lets you know the time and date without getting in your way. It will ring an alarm, alerting you of anything from corporate commitments to what day Saturday Night Live comes on. |
CURPAN.ZIP | Yes | 6050 | 10/8/1993 | Allows mouse pointer to pan (wrap) around from the other side of the screen. |
CUSTWIN.ZIP | Yes | 165022 | 2/23/1994 | CustWin v1.0; The Friendlier Windows Customization Tool Meant for people who get bored with the same old windows configuration, but are reluctant to deal with Control Panel's clumsy interface. It is also meant to offer configuration options that Control Panel doesn't, such as randomization of wallpaper and system noises. |
CWV103.ZIP | Yes | 87065 | 4/10/1994 | CLOCK WERKS v1.03; Concurrently display time of cities around world using true clock appearance display. Up to 50 clocks for each activation. Hundreds of clocks by multiple activations. Analog, digital or user-created bitmap clock styles. More than 100 cities. |
DAGW.ZIP | Yes | 75008 | 11/11/1993 | Disk at a Glance, hard drive usage charts |
DC0110.ZIP | Yes | 68973 | 7/16/1993 | Digiclk v1.10: MS-Windows compatible pgm that displays a small clock, showing the system date/time, in the lower right hand corner of the display |
DESK01.ZIP | Yes | 701369 | 11/10/1993 | Desktop Assistant is a personal information manager for Windows. It includes a To-Do feature, Address book with auto dial, perpetual calendar, notebook, calculator, alarms, and a timer. It's all combined in one simple to use interface. |
DESK1WIN.ZIP | Yes | 647503 | 10/25/1993 | Desktop Assistant; Personal information manager for Windows. It includes a To-Do feature, Address book with auto dial, perpetual calendar, notebook, calculator, alarms, and a timer. It's all combined in one simple to use interface. |
DESKLAUN.ZIP | Yes | 78002 | 8/11/1993 | Desktop Launcher v1.0; Desktop Launcher es un programa para Windows 3.1, diseado para "lanzar" otros programas desde el "Desktop". La idea principal es la de asociar un icono a cada programa que deseemos, permitir posicionar el icono en cualquier posicin de la pantalla y permitir a travs de este icono ejecutar el programa asociado. |
DP121.ZIP | Yes | 80412 | 2/7/1994 | DropPop v1.21; An addin utility for Dropper Yes, now you can have not only icons on your desktop representing applications, but icons on your desktop that call up menus full of more icons representing apps or documents! |
DRTRASH.ZIP | Yes | 7519 | 10/4/1993 | DRTRASH; This program is intended for use with Dropper, a desktop manager. You can leave it on the desktop, ready for activation. It allows you to delete files by dragging them onto this icon instead of having to have a program running. |
ELPHNZ.ZIP | Yes | 8553 | 7/24/1993 | Elephant Clock v2.0 for Windows; Fun clock gets chased by your mouse. |
EXWINRUN.ZIP | Yes | 3395 | 1/12/1994 | A small and simple program used for those DOS programs which will NOT run from within windows. This will exit windows PROPERLY, run the program then seamlessly reenter windows. |
FLUSH101.ZIP | Yes | 57133 | 10/4/1993 | File Flush v1.01; The drag and drop file delete utility with a sense of humor. Drop files into the toilet, the lid goes up and you hear a splash. Your choice of restoring files (one or a group) or flushing them, complete with the flushing sound you'd expect. Requires Windows and VBRUN300.DLL. |
GB302.ZIP | Yes | 331126 | 1/1/1994 | GRADEBOOK FOR WINDOWS v3.02; Advanced Windows based GradeBook for the professional educator. Req VBRUN300.DLL, 2MB and win ver 3.x. Online help, user categories, opt ID#'s, tot pt or weighted scores, discard worst score(s), ext credit, score & grade dist's with charts, progress reports, import export clipbd & font support, interim weights, reqd final scores, teacher notes, much more. Also Word and Excel macros. |
GDESK_21.ZIP | Yes | 37402 | 12/11/1993 | GDesk v2.1; Popup menu utility that places a menu of your favorite applications within easy reach on the desktop. It allows you to conveniently start your favorite applications without having to refer to the Program Manager or clutter your desktop with icons. Simply mouse-click anywhere on the desktop, and select the item you want from the GDesk popup menu. |
HOUSE205.ZIP | Yes | 143766 | 8/2/1993 | House, desktop manager/file launcher for Windows |
IHN.ZIP | Yes | 114796 | 8/13/1993 | In His Name; Created to fill the need for a devotional verse of the day program. Displays a new verse of the bible everytime you start Windows. |
INFOBAR1.ZIP | Yes | 344527 | 9/13/1993 | System resource information bar at top of screen. |
JEEPERSW.ZIP | Yes | 323002 | 9/14/1993 | Jeepers for Windows v1.1; Bibliography database system for Windows. It uses DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) to automatically send formatted bibliographies directly to Word, Ami Pro, & WordPerfect for Windows. Jeepers uses MDI so multiple databases & searches can be open at the same time. Also features user- definable format styles & Boolean searches. New: improved dialogs, help, & bug fixes. |
KEYMETER.ZIP | Yes | 18353 | 11/14/1993 | Keymeter 1.0; Creates an on-screen odometer for your keyboard. As you work, it keeps track of the total number of keys pressed. It's an amazingly useless program, but it is fun to play with. |
LOCKSET.ZIP | Yes | 12244 | 10/2/1993 | Password-protect your desktop |
MCLOCK.ZIP | Yes | 28540 | 8/22/1993 | Micro-Clock v1.0 (FreeWare); Micro-Clock is a digital clock that includes an animated file dumper for File Manager. It always stays on top, and is positioned just inside the Min-Max controls of a program that's maximized. Req VBRUN300.DLL. |
MMOU15.ZIP | Yes | 25238 | 11/2/1993 | META-MOUSE: A Cursor Visibility Enhancement Utility v1.5; Meta-Mouse is a program for Microsoft Windows whose purpose is to improve the visibility of the mouse cursor. |
MODM12.ZIP | Yes | 105983 | 9/16/1993 | Mouse Odometer v1.2 for Windows 3.1. |
MOMWIN20.ZIP | Yes | 1201874 | 10/2/1993 | Mom For Windows V2.0 Another Pim For Windows. |
MONTOR.ZIP | Yes | 49154 | 11/15/1993 | Disk/resource/memory monitor, PC Magazine |
MORECON.ZIP | Yes | 129795 | 11/10/1993 | MORE CONTROL 2.0A functions for Control Panel- More Control allows you to access many settings that Microsoft did not see fit to include in the Control Panel. Change the font used to display icon titles, the color of hypertext in Windows help, add any program to Control Panel plus more. |
MOVDR11.ZIP | Yes | 181202 | 10/6/1993 | Mouse Overdrive 1.1 A system wide pop up menu for Windows 3.1. |
MTOOLS20.ZIP | Yes | 111902 | 7/17/1993 | Micro-Tools v1.1 Tool Box Launcher Designed to save desktop real-estate. The program buttons are identified via the program's icon. Two modules are provided to launch either 20 or 30 programs using VGA or Super VGA displays. Can stay on-top, remember it's default display location, supports EXE, PIF and BAT, and will display custom icons. |
NAGGER.ZIP | Yes | 23210 | 8/13/1993 | Nagger For Windows 3.1; The ultimate almost-subliminal reminder program. Pops up messages at random intervals you select. Any message, any font, any color. Works running DOS from Windows. Requires VBRUN200.DLL |
NEEDV10B.ZIP | Yes | 147031 | 11/4/1993 | Need v1.0; Personal information manager |
ODAYW200.ZIP | Yes | 378250 | 12/10/1993 | OMNIDay for Windows v2.00; Computer diary program with many features and toggles. Has over 10000 encryption options & keys. Can handle up to 10 users at once and has a full featured text editor. Internally calls up Spell checkers. Can use other TSR Spell Checking. All world date formats handled. |
ODOMETER.ZIP | Yes | 19646 | 11/14/1993 | The Mouse Odometer 1.0; Creates an on-screen odometer for your mouse. As you work, it keeps track of how far your mouse has traveled. It's an amazingly useless program, but it is fun to play with. |
ONTOP2.ZIP | Yes | 257179 | 8/29/1993 | Windows Utility That Is Used To Specify Which Programs/Windows/Icons Should Be Forced To Appear Always On Top Of Other Windows On The Desktop.Great For Msmail Icon. Reqs Vbrun300. |
ONTOP221.ZIP | Yes | 7750 | 9/28/1993 | OnTop II v2.21cs; Easy to use window management tool |
PEGIF.ZIP | Yes | 60732 | 11/30/1993 | Windows: Pegif v1921024 is a Desktop Menu Program similar to the Root menus found in X-Windows. |
PHNLIST.ZIP | Yes | 662418 | 9/6/1993 | PhoneList v1.0; Maintain phone lists of employees in the office or around the country. Appropriate for companies or business owners who wish to maintain a database of customers and contacts, or the MIS director to keep track of vendors, etc. |
POSTEM10.ZIP | Yes | 352883 | 8/8/1993 | Post 'Em Notes : Send Private (or Pubic) Notes Shareware. Full Windows Clipboard support. "Favorite Network Note Handler!" |
POSTER20.ZIP | Yes | 36066 | 11/4/1993 | Posters! is a quick and easy stickup notes program for Windows. It is designed to be simple to use as possiblemuch quicker and easier to use than other stick-up notes programs! Notes last from one windows session to the next! Uploaded by author. (Written in VB 3.0requires VBRUN300.DLL |
PRGGRP17.ZIP | Yes | 10291 | 11/11/1993 | Progman-Groups 1.7; Gives you the possibility to have groups in groups in the progam manager of Windows. Because PRGGRP uses normal progman groups, you don't have any limitations. |
QKCAL30.ZIP | Yes | 44879 | 8/5/1993 | QuikCal v3.00: small calendar pgm for MSWindows that shows one month at a time, and events, up to 5 per day, such as appts, to-do items and birthdays may be entered by doubleclicking on a day. |
QUICK_10.ZIP | Yes | 66013 | 7/23/1993 | Quick v1.0u; Features includes Always on top, One click/key stroke application access, Macros, Usage restriction on programs, Reboot, Quick exit, Scrapbook, Application Scheduling ect. Requires VBRUN200.DLL |
REMS_W20.ZIP | Yes | 379545 | 4/1/1994 | REMINDER SYSTEM (Windows) v2.0; Never miss another important date again. Reminder's advance notification feature will alert you of important events long before they happen. End last minute scrambling. Excellent calendaring features make it easy to add, modify, view, or search your events. Over 20 parameters let you set when and how you're notified. An absolute must for anyone with a busy schedule. DOS version available. |
RESDUET.ZIP | Yes | 51494 | 10/28/1993 | Resduet+ is a small Windows Restart and Resource panel/strip that takes up very little desktop space, can be moved and has other utilities. Very useful and only slightly noticeable. File search capabilities also. |
RITEON21.ZIP | Yes | 54992 | 8/17/1993 | RightOn v2.1; Windows 3.1 utility which allows you to program your right and middle mouse buttons to behave like the keyboard sending a keystroke to an application or as a left-mouse double-click event. |
RM_20A.ZIP | Yes | 239856 | 8/2/1993 | Windows Reminder v2.0A; To-Do List Manager. Keeps track of to-do lists, set alarms (which can launch applications), prints reports of completed work or work to do. Supports DDE and MSMail. |
RSTART14.ZIP | Yes | 9758 | 9/7/1993 | Restart Win3.x without exiting, with C source |
SECLAU.ZIP | Yes | 42325 | 12/28/1993 | Security for Windows - contains two programs that add a measure of security to Windows. The first utility alters Program Manager to remove the FILE command and SAVE options so no programs can be run that are not on the ProgMan menu.The second is a program launcher with passwords. VB source code and VBRUN200 is included. |
SENSE202.ZIP | Yes | 15435 | 8/7/1993 | Sense v2.01e; A little utility for MS Windows 3.1. It activates a window by just moving the mousecursor in it.The program works together with all kinds of windows. (MDI, etc.) |
SMTADR10.ZIP | Yes | 194537 | 12/20/1993 | SMART ADDRESS management for Windows! A sophisticated new address management system for Windows. Full Windows MDI support, Modem Suppport, Envelope Printing, Label Printing (both with graphics), Mail-Shot capabilities, User Configurability, User defined notes, sophisticated searching, Import/Export, Full Windows Help. |
SMTTOP11.ZIP | Yes | 28095 | 1/4/1994 | SmartTop 1.1 - Always-on-Top utility. Allows you to mark any Window as "Always-on-Top" (like Windows Help) even if it wasn't programmed that way. For example, keep the Calculator on top of Excel, or clipboard on top of Write. Can also front-end programs to always start "on-top". Shareware. |
SMWINDEM.ZIP | Yes | 833549 | 10/29/1993 | SEEDMASTER/WINDOWS BIBLE DEMO v2.3; Complete Windows 3.1 Bible. Over 15 Bibles avail. Demo database is limited for BBS dist. Program is full function. Easy Bible browse, fast search, exhaus- tive word list, user notes, more! Tool- bar, Hypertext too! ALSO READS MOST ONLINE BIBLE V5&6 FILES! |
STARTAPP.ZIP | Yes | 21782 | 10/13/1993 | StartApp v1.0; Lets you start your applications standard, normal, maximized, minimized and hidden. It also lets you specify the position and/or the size of the application and lets you start the application on top. |
STAT33A.ZIP | Yes | 130243 | 11/19/1993 | Statline v3.3; The Ultimate Windows Status Line Show date, time, memory, system resources, and hard drive space Launch programs; Exit Win fast; Program menu; Mini Notepad; Printer control and Much More! |
SWFT15.ZIP | Yes | 48127 | 7/16/1993 | Swift Access v1.5; Swift Access provides iconic representations of your applications on your Windows desktop. When you first run Swift Access, icons for the most frequently used Windows utilities will be loaded. |
TIMECALC.ZIP | Yes | 39422 | 10/12/1993 | TimeCalcPro v1.0A teriffic time calculator. If you've ever had to add up a long list of hours and minutes, this Windows program is for you. Adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides. Looks and behaves like a regular calculator. Requires VBRUN300.DLL. Well Done. Has a "tape printout" that can be printed. Can do date calculations. |
TLBAR211.ZIP | Yes | 190768 | 10/18/1993 | Toolbar; Intended to provide some features lacking in the Program and File Manager Provides an alternative to the groups of Program Manager. |
TODOW105.ZIP | Yes | 117321 | 10/30/1993 | WIN/SW: ToDoWin v1.05 - ToDo Manager, created for ease of use. Sort by date or priority. |
TS_PANEL.ZIP | Yes | 81687 | 8/16/1993 | TS-Panel; Easy to use always-on-top desktop information panel for Windows 3.1 |
TWDCE.ZIP | Yes | 464493 | 8/21/1993 | WinDial Corporate Edition 2.0: Windows 3.1 phone book, dialer, data base, notes, etc. New: Network support, language support, background search, custom alphabet buttons, custom field names, clipboard dialing, improved import, etc. Can accommodate very large number of records. Great for company internal phone listings, client or customer phone listings. The Ultimate Rolodex! |
TZ0112.ZIP | Yes | 95437 | 7/16/1993 | TimeZone v1.12: Windows 3.1 application which displays the time in the 24 time zones (approximately) around the world. |
VCP10.ZIP | Yes | 396977 | 1/4/1994 | Visual Calendar Planner 1.0 - Easiest calendar planner program to use, virtually negligible learning curve. If you know how to use a text editor/word processor, you already know how to use Visual Calendar Planner. It allows you to customize the way you want, provides scheduling/events/memo/appoinments painlessly, yet not restricted to the mundane scheduling found in most PIM/planner. |
VDT02W.ZIP | Yes | 294465 | 11/9/1993 | VDT is a toolset for use with the Microsoft Windows operating environment. The toolset provides enhancements and improvements to the Microsoft Windows environment. With the VDT (Virtual DeskTop) tool you can create a working space (desktop) that can be up to ONE HUNDRED times larger than your current space. This will allow you to organize your working environment without having to sort through many overlapping windows. |
VWIN.ZIP | Yes | 113856 | 7/5/1993 | RE v2.0; Virtual Desktop for Windows. Features: Overall improved speed; added layout feature; smaller easier buttons; possibility to zap from Virtual Screen with minimized icon of RE menus always on top or not; Virtual Screen management; nice visualisation of resources. |
WARP20A.ZIP | Yes | 47265 | 8/2/1993 | Mouse Warp v2.0A: multi-purpose Windows mouse enchancement util that enables you to change the mouse pointer into various shapes, select either right/left-handed mouse pointers, blink the mouse after several seconds of inactivity so when you return you can find the mouse instantly and more. |
WDAT11.ZIP | Yes | 8559 | 7/4/1993 | WingDate provides a visual reminder of upcoming events. Displayed in Month/Day order with the current date or next significant date highlighted. Dates and Events are easily Added, Updated, Deleted. req. VBRUN100.DLL |
WDIAL110.ZIP | Yes | 13309 | 8/16/1993 | Wdial is an autodialer for modems with the hayes/AT-command set |
WHATIDID.ZIP | Yes | 482014 | 10/27/1993 | WHATIDID Keystrokes/Mouse Product for Windows. Safe Windows 3.1 logger of keystrokes and mouse clicks by Application name and window. Detailed & summary reports show time in app and windows, clicks/strokes, strokes per hour, and utilization. 50k, buffers disk IO globally. Monitoring can be unknown to the user. LAN ready, multiuser, paradox file compatible. |
WINFST.ZIP | Yes | 24978 | 8/4/1993 | WIN FAST; Graphical Program Launcher for Win 3.1. Drop Down Menu displays Groups in alphabet order. Button Bar displays Icons in Item-Name sequence so programs are easy to find. You can turn Program Groups into Icons. |
WINGRAB2.ZIP | Yes | 379554 | 8/31/1993 | Telephone Contact Manager, Envelope and word processor and send it to envelope in printer. Use to dial phone and log calls, paste address into your word processor and more! |
WINK.ZIP | Yes | 13066 | 9/1/1993 | Display free memory in an icon for windows |
WINTIMER.ZIP | Yes | 98499 | 8/31/1993 | Timer And Alarm Program For Windows 3.1. |
WINTZ.ZIP | Yes | 107174 | 7/16/1993 | World TimeZones, shows time in several major world cities at once for Windows. |
WNGDAT32.ZIP | Yes | 48520 | 11/15/1993 | WingDate v2.0: provides a quick visual reminder of upcoming important events. A list of events is displayed in Month/Day order with the current date or next most significant date highlighted. Dates and Events can easily be Added, Updated, and Deleted. Req. VBRUN200.DLL |
WOTD_18.ZIP | Yes | 194136 | 1/31/1994 | On This Day for Windows v1.8; Program and collection of databases to answer the question "What Happened On This Day In History?" Dates in 4 different calendars, "day of the week" calculations, Phases of the moon, solstices, and equinoxes are supported. Among other benefits, registered users are provided with a HUGE collection of data. |
WPOST32B.ZIP | Yes | 139515 | 7/1/1993 | WINPOST v3.2b; Windows utility replaces yellow sticky notes for keeping track of reminders. OLE support allows attachment to any OLE document. Alarm notes, toolbar, auto save and numerous other features make this a "must-have" for Windows users. |
WSTIME.ZIP | Yes | 58715 | 3/3/1994 | Win SetTime v4.5; Dials the NIST in Boulder, CO and sets your system clock to the time |
WTIME21.ZIP | Yes | 83568 | 8/1/1993 | Worldtime for Windows v2.10d; Automatically places the current local time inside its program icon when the program window is minimized. |
WWW201.ZIP | Yes | 579036 | 1/26/1994 | WIN,WHAT,WHERE 2.01; Time & usage monitor automatically tracks everything you do in Windows. What's New: Hidden Mode, all new history, multiple time formats, data filters, sorts, and much more! |
XFILE.ZIP | Yes | 72368 | 11/29/1993 | XFILE - WIN 3.1 DESKTOP UTILITY v1.5 Multifunctional Desktop Utility for Win 3.1- Iconic desktop utility supports drag-n-drop file/directory delete, renaming, and attribute alteration, time/date display, resource/ memory monitor, multiple alarms, program launcher, file finder, timed program execution, and system info reports. |
YELLOW.ZIP | Yes | 61001 | 1/30/1994 | YELLOW STICKY v2.0; Windows 3.1 reminder program.- Not a day planner or scheduler, Yellow Sticky is a replacement for the post-it notes on your desk of things you need to do today. Helps you organize your day and get the important things done. Windows 3.1. |
ZZZCLOCK.ZIP | Yes | 4438 | 11/15/1993 | A different type of digital clock |