The Data file used is very simple. Each line is a verb and all the conjugations that go with it. The format for each line in the data base is the infinitive, the je, the tu, the il/elle, the nous, the vous, the ills/elles, the past participle, the imparitive, and the English. The computer counts the number of spaces and after the imparitive assumes all else is English. For any verb forms that I did not know I placed a "--". Also, any French verb forms that required a space I have replaced the space with an underscore. Any verbs added in must have a complete line with space seprating each verb form. Feel free to add your own verbs to this list or correct any errors you may find. If you do find an error please send the corrected verb to me in the following format. 'infinitive : {the inf of the verb to be corrected} {tense that is wrong} : {corection}' ie if parler was wrong in the je place you would send to me 'infinitive : parler je : parle' I may be reached at Paul Hurt 155 Cleveland Ave Milford, OH 45150 Thank you.