FONT HEAVEN FILE LIST FONTHVN.EXE...Font Heaven Windows executable file README.TXT....General information for Font Heaven ORDERFRM.TXT..Order form for ordering Valley Programming products SITELICE.TXT..Site license for ordering multiple copies of Font Heaven FUTURE.TXT....Planned features for future versions of Font Heaven SHAREWAR.TXT..Information regarding Font Heaven as a Shareware release VENDOR.TXT....Information for vendors wishing to distribute Font Heaven BBS.TXT.......Information for BBS's wishing to distribute Font Heaven FILE_ID.DIZ...BBS description for Font Heaven FILES.TXT.....This file VBRUN200.DLL..Required Visual Basic run-time file. THIS FILE MAY NOT BE INCLUDED WITH FONT HEAVEN IF DOWNLOADED FROM A BBS DUE TO THE SIZE OF THE FILE. If this is the case, you can download the file or order a registered copy of Font Heaven by printing out the included ORDERFRM.TXT file.