PRWRI12.ZIP should contain the following files: PRLIST.TXT - This file. PRTEST.WRI - A Write file of 20 blank pages. PRWR210.ZIP - The PrintWrite2 archive. PRWRI.ICO - A PrintWrite icon. PRWRI12.WCM - The PrintWrite script, v1.2. PRWRI12.WRI - The PrintWrite documentation. PRWRI12X.WCM - A slowed-down version, good for diagnostics. PRWR210.ZIP should contain the following files: PRWR210.ICO - A Windows icon file that can be used to create a SuperBar icon. PRWR210.REC - A Recorder file containing two macros needed to make PRWR210.WCM and PRWR210.SBM work. PRWR210.SBM - A SuperBar script. PRWR210.WCM - The PrintWrite2 script, v1.0. PRWR210.WRI - The PrintWrite2 documentation.