READ.ME for SETUPPRN.EXE ------------------------ SETUPPRN.EXE is a shareware program which facilitates printer configuration by allowing you to easily send printer configuration commands to your printer. It will run under DOS or windows. DOS installation and WINDOWS installation are described below. After installing SETUPPRN, please read SETUPPRN.TXT for complete instructions or just try running the program. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ------------------- DOS 3.x or DOS and WINDOWS 3.x 512K or more RAM The program will run from a floppy or a hard drive Any printer recognized by DOS DOS INSTALLATION ---------------- 1. Create a directory for the program. Sample create directory command: MKDIR SETUPPRN 2. Copy SETUPPR.EXE to the new directory. Sample copy command: COPY A:\SETUPPR.EXE C:\SETUPPRN 3. Change to the SETUPPRN directory. Sample change directory command: CD \SETUPPRN 4. Run SETUPPRN.EXE to expand the executable and data files. Sample run command: SETUPPR 5. Run the program to configure your printer: Sample command: SETUPPRN 6. (This step is optional) You may want to add the \SETUPPRN directory to your path so that you do not have to change to \SETUPPRN before running the program each time. If so add a line like the following to the end of the PATH command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Sample addition to path: ;C:\SETUPPRN WINDOWS INSTALLATION -------------------- 1. Create a directory for the program using File Manager. File Menu, Create Directory option, name the directory SETUPPRN 2. Copy SETUPPR.EXE to the new directory using File Manager. File Menu, Copy option (for example) From A:\SETUPPR.EXE To C:\SETUPPRN 4. Run SETUPPRN.EXE to expand the executable and data files. Double click on SETUPPR.EXE 5. Add SETUPPRN to one of your program groups in program manager. File Menu, New, Program Item, Browse and find SETUPPRN.PIF 6. Run the program to configure your printer. Double click on the Setup Printer icon. (c) Copyright MG Software, P.O.Box 939, Lake Shore, MD 21122