Library: oFgIni.lib v1.2 Author: Felix H. Gonzalez P.O. Box 133 Aurora, CO 80040-0133 CompuServe address: 71203, 2025 WHAT IS oFgIni? oFgIni is an object library written 100% in Clipper 5.x using Class(y) 2.0x. It allows the Clipper programmer to create and manage .ini files just like Windows 3.x. oFgIni will return the following types "C", "L", "N", and "D". To use oFgIni you must own Classy 2.0b or higher. Linking: rtlink fi MyProgram lib oFgIni, Classy, Samples, Clipper oFgIni.lib must be linked before Classy or you'll get an error. It also uses function FileEval() and FileSize() from clipper's samples.lib. Note: if linking with other libraries use the MODULE...FROM... command for FileSize() and FileEval() if these names exist in other libraries. Example: MODULE FileSize FROM samples.lib MODULE FileEval FROM samples.lib NEW IN OFGINI 1.2 In the previous version oFgIni did not handle comments. If comments where added to the ini file oFgIni would not save them when used. Now comments may be added to the ini file itself. For example: ; THIS IS A WINDOWS LIKE COMMENT [SECTION] ; THIS IS ANOTHER COMMENT VAR=VALUE * THIS IS A CLIPPER LIKE COMMENT Note: Comments must not be in-line. They may be placed above or below the section or var=value line. The ";" or "*" symbols define comments. If you find oFgIni to be useful, a donation of $9.00 U.S. Dollars would be appreciated. Any registered users will automatically be sent the source code to oFgIni via C-Serve along with other useful functions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OFGINI REGISTRATION Name __________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Compu-Serve Address ___________________________________ Disksize ______________ Please add $3.00 dollars to receive the source code via diskette. Make checks or money orders payable to Felix H. Gonzalez. Send to the address at the top of this page. If I receive your Compu-Serve Address, I will send you the source code files directly by modem. Please note: If you like this object, please let me know via C-Serve. DISCLAIMER: The Author will not be liable for consequential, special, indirect or other similar damages or claims, including loss of profits or any other commercial damage. In no event will the author's liability for damages to you or any other person ever exceed the price paid for the software, regardless of any form of the claim. oFgIni is distributed as is with no expressed or implied warranties. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Happy computing, Felix