GAKUSEI PRODUCT REGISTRATION FORM (cut out and mail) +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Your Name: | | Address: | | City: | | State or Country: | | Postal(ZIP) Code: | | phone (include area code): | | How did you find out about Gakusei 1.1? | | | Diskette size desired: 3.5" 5.25" | | Please describe your computer system: | | CPU: __286 __386 __486 __586/Pentium | | Monitor: __EGA __VGA __SVGA __other | | DOS version: ____________ Printer make/model:________________ | | Disk drives: __ 5.25" __ 3.5" __ CD-ROM __ other | | Presentation managers: __Windows 3.1 __Desqview/X | __Geoworks __OS/2 2.0 __other | | | What problems have you encountered with the tutorial so far? | | | Please suggest a feature or upgrade that you would like to see: | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | price: $55.00 | California residents add sales tax (8.25% = $4.54): $_____ | S&H (US/Canada): $ 4.00 | S&H (outside US/Canada): $ 7.00 | | TOTAL: $_____ | | Mail with a check or money order (SORRY, NO CREDIT CARDS) to: | | BARHAM SOFTWARE | 15507 S. Normandie Ave. #245 Compuserve: 70700,2225 | GARDENA, CA. 90247-4028 Internet: | | Phone: USA: 1-800-RAN-EASY (1-800-726-3279) outside USA: 1-310-327-4862