E/Z Estimater Version 1.2 July 1, 1994 Copyright (c) 1994, E/Z Software, Inc. All rights reserved. E/Z Estimater is a shareware program and is provided at no charge to you for evaluation. Feel free to share it with your friends, but please do not give it away altered or as part of another system. The essence of "user-supported" software is to provide you with quality software without high prices, and yet to give us incentive to continue to develop new products. The distributed files are: EZESTIM.SDN - A self extracting file that contains the following files. ESTIMATE.EXE - The executable Program File AGENCY.DBF - The Estimater data file REGISTER.DOC - A registration form for registering this program EZ.TXT - This file with the program discription E/Z Estimater is a estimation program that will help estimate what price range of home loan that a user can reasonably expect to qualify for from a lending institution. It in no way, shape or form guarentees that a lendor will qualify the loan, however, based on the information that in entered into the program, along with your good credit history, it should give a close estimate of loan payments including insurance and (yuk yuk) tax payments on that house. The program uses the approximate percentages that major banks and loan companies use in calculating house payment / income ratios. There are three forms that can be printed from this program. 1) Estimator Estimator is a printout that lets the client look at their income and their bills. They can then adjust their payments, if they want, to change their mortgage amount. 2) Hot Sheet The Hot Sheet Printout, is a printout that allows you to have a description of a particular house. This printout describes house features as well as prints out the estimated payments at the bottom paper for both Fixed and Adjustable Rates. 3) Profile The Profile Prinout is the same as the Hot Sheet, only without the house payment information.