Zorak: The Mountain of Terror ----------------------------- Welcome to the world of Darkwood. A land that is threatend by the big evil bad-guy Zorak! (Oohhh!) You must find him, and kick his demonic, stinky butt back to the hell hole he came from. (No biggie right?) This is an early proto of a role-playing Ultima rip-off. I will make frequent updates to it... I just wanted to see if people would even play this EGA version. (Graphics are cheesey, but hey! I'm not an Artist) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now before you judge me and tell me that I can't program for crap, listen up, This game was made completely with my game maker called Asylum Game System. I will be publishing it soon. It will allow you to make really cool Ultima type games with graphics and the whole works, that run and are stand-alone just like Zorak. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions just write to: Jason Ely 8312 Fathom Circle #707 Austin TX, 78750 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Log: V1.00 Initial revision