###################################################################### # FILE: TLPHRASE.TXT # # PURPOSE: Provide a selection of phrases to be randomly displayed # by the TEALEAFS(tm) program, using the potpourri option. # # USAGE: Edit this file to insert your favorite phrases for display. # Place a # in front of each line to be ignored, # remove the # in front of the lines you want to be displayed. # # TEALEAFS(tm) is Copyright(C) 1989-93 by Eugene L Woods, PE/EE. # All rights reserved. ###################################################################### You can edit TLPHRASE.TXT to display your own personal phrase here Edit TLPHRASE.TXT to have your favorite phrases displayed here! Random phrases from TLPHRASE.TXT are displayed with this option #A clean ship is a happy ship, but you can't FIND anything! #A penny saved is a penny earned #A Rose is a Rose is a Rose, I suppose... #Are you going to be late for your meeting? #Do you qualify for an Artistic License? #Ask me about my vow of silence #Did you mail it? #Do you have a 'terminal room' in your facility? #Do you have done, everything you SHOULD have done? #Don't dribk and driive! #Don't forget to vote! #Even a stopped clock is right, twice a day #Everybody's ignorant, only on different subjects #Grow or die #Hotter'n a two-dollar pistol! #I'm baaack! #When in doubt - throw it out #You snooze, you lose! #Is it legal for a BUG to get a FIX?? #It's IN there! #No, that AIN'T RIGHT... but that's the way it IS! #Just say NO! #Laugh, and the world laughs with you... #Life's no bowl of cherries #Ralph Socrates? #Smile! People will wonder what you've been up to #The dawn patrol takes no prisoners! #Think of all the free things you can buy with the money you save! #This is reality, Bob! #This is reality, Jean! #This is reality, Joe! #This is reality, Mary! #This is reality, Ted! #Wait a minute... I think my mouse is dirty! #Wear it twice - it dry cleans nice #When in doubt, RTFM! #When's your Anniversary? #You can beat your head against a dead horse, but... #OK, you CAN teach an old dog new tricks! #You can't make a wall drink water #You can't SCHEDULE creativity! #You can't teach an old dog new tricks #You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink #It's water under the bridge #YYURYYUBOICURYYFOURME