SB DX @ ARL $ARLD061 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT October 6, 1994 To all radio amateurs ARLD061 DX news Thanks to Tedd, KB8NW, the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin, Frank, AH0W/OH2LVG, the Yankee Clipper Contest Club PacketCluster network, Chod, VP2ML, The DX Bulletin, Bob, W5KNE, QRZ DX, G0MMI, Adam, N7VEW, and the Contest Corral column from QST magazine. RWANDA. It has been reported that Hartmut, 9X5HG, has returned to Rwanda and is active once again. Several southeastern USA stations worked him on October 1 around 0330z on 7028 kHz. ETHIOPIA. ET3BT has been on the 14226 DX Net almost daily. Try between 1800 and 2230z. BURUNDI. 4U/F5OWB/9U has been spotted on 14240 kHz around 2100Z. QSL via UNSCF Radio Tech, PO Box 200, Bujumbura, Burundi. PACIFIC DXPEDITION DELAYED AGAIN. Masa, JE1DXC, aka A35XC, continues to have problems with flight reservations. This has caused delays in his 3D2, T30 and T2 DXpedition. MOUNT ATHOS. Tokyo PacketCluster spots show Monk Apollo, SV2ASP/A has been active on RTTY. Listen for him around 14083 kHz between 0700 and 0730z. MADEIRA. DL8KWS/CT3 and DL3KUD/CT3 will be active on all bands October 6 through 27. MICRONESIA. JA0VSH and YL JG0PBJ should be active now as V63KZ and V63MP, respectively, on 160 through 10 meters, including the WARC bands, through October 10. Their local evening operating will be CW only. As of press time, there were no spots for this one on the local DX PacketCluster. QSL to their home calls, direct or via the JARL Bureau. ANGUILLA AND SINT MAARTEN. Warren, WB1HBB, will be vacationing with some operating from Anguilla as VP2E/WB1HBB October 18, 19 and 20. Sint Maarten is slated for October 21 through 28 using the call PJ7/WB1HBB. Try 14.263 kHz at 1230z and 2100z. QSL via WB1HBB. REVILLA GIGEDO. This is to correct some information released on the planned DXpedition to XF4M by Frank, AH0W/OH2LVG and company. Their 30 meter operation will not, repeat not be the first such operations from Revilla Gigedo. QSL TIPS. G0MMI reports that he is the manager for LX1DM. QSL contacts from 1990 to 1993 to his Callbook address. Also, he is no longer the manager for YI1RJ, Raid, who is now in Jordan. Adam, N7VEW, is now the QSL manager for Randy, TJ1JR. Please QSL to Adam's current Callbook address with SASE. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. Tuning in over the weekend will reveal the Hambrew Fall Festival, Ibero-American Contest, Illinois and Pennsylvania state QSO parties, and VK/ZL/Oceana CW DX Contests. Check out pages 125 and 126 in September QST for details on these on the air events. NNNN /EX