SB DX @ ARL $ARLD062 ARLD062 DX news ZCZC AE60 QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 62 ARLD062 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT October 13, 1994 To all radio amateurs SB DX ARL ARLD062 ARLD062 DX news The items in this week's bulletin are courtesy of Tedd, KB8NW, Bob, W5KNE, Chod, VP2ML, Glenn, W6OTC, Joe, NJ1Q, the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin, QRZ DX, The DX Bulletin, and the Contest Corral column from the pages of QST. Thanks. SWAZILAND. Adam, SP2JYX, signs 3DA/SP2JYX and has been on 15 and 20 meters, most of the time on SSB. QSL via CBA. RWANDA. Hartmut, 9X5HG, will be active until about October 22, at which time he plans on leaving Rwanda. Tips include 7001 kHz around 0300z and 14025 kHz around 2030z. QSL via the DL Bureau or to his home CBA. THAILAND. Reiner, DL2VK, will be here for approximately 6 months. He will be signing HS0/DL2VK and plans to operate primarily CW. Some Packet, AmTOR, PacTOR and SSB may be in the works. LAOS. Minoru, JA3MNP, should be on the air from the station of XW8KPL as XW3MNP October 20 to 27, including RTTY. QSL via PO Box 59, Kyotonishi 6165, Japan. CAMBODIA. XU7VK has been on 3506 kHz at around 1316z. SAUDI ARABIA. Mike, K3UOC, is now working in Riyadh. If plans to obtain a Saudi license fall through, he hopes to be able to operate 7Z1AB, the station at the U.S. Embassy. NAURU. Teo, DJ1RL, and Harry, DL6NA, should be signing C2/ their call signs by the time this bulletin hits the airwaves. Teo is the CW op and Harry likes SSB. They will concentrate on the lower bands. Try 1827/1832 kHz. QSL via the DARC Bureau or their home calls. The following three entries are their planned itinerary after Nauru operations. FIJI as 3D2AN and 3D2FT, October 17, 18 and 19. SOUTH COOK ISLANDS as ZK1/ their home calls, October 19 to 22. FRENCH POLYNESIA as FO/ their home calls, October 22 to 28. SOMALIA. SM7CIP operates T5AR with a barefoot rig and low profile antennas. His QSLs will not be printed until early 1995, so please be patient. QSL via SM0DJZ. SYRIA. Mike, VE3UWC, is with UN Peace-keeping forces here for about 3 more months. He signs VE3UWC/4U, though little is known of his operating habits other than to try 14220 kHz between 2130 and 2200z. ETHIOPIA. Listen for ET3BT on the Family Hour Net at 14226.5 kHz around 2300z. MACAO. Listen for Roger, G3SXW, and Nigel, G3TXF, around October 19 for a week of CW operating. Plans are to emphasize LF and WARC bands. GUYANA. Listen for Eddie, G0AZT, and Glenn, W6OTC, operating RTTY as 8R1TT. Plans are to be in on the JARTS WW RTTY Contest this weekend. Check 80 through 10 meters before and after the contest. QSL via Eddie Schneider, POB 5194, Richmond, CA 94805. ANGUILLA/SINT MAARTEN. Warren, WB1HBB, will be doing some operating while vacationing on these islands. He will sign VP2E/WB1HBB October 18 through 20, and PJ7/WB1HBB from October 21 through 28. Try 14263 kHz at 1230 and 2100z. QSL his home call. COCOS ISLAND. TI2JJP should be on as TI9JJP October 20 to 29. GUANTANAMO BAY. Larry, WB6VGI, will be signing KG4ML until October 21. Though 17 meters is his bread and butter, he has occasionally strayed to 30 and 40 meters. QSL via CBA. QSL CORRECTION, or please use phonetics. Rick, AA6KS, reports that he is not, repeat not the QSL Manager for ZF8BS. The correct route is via AA6KX. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. On the air operating events for October 15 and 16 include the Simulated Emergency Test, 36th Boy Scout Jamboree On The Air, aka JOTA, the JARTS WW RTTY Contest, QRP ARCI Fall CW QSO Party and the RSGB 21/28 MHz CW Contest. For rules and more information on these events, check pages 96 and 126 of September QST. NNNN /EX