SB DX @ ARL $ARLD065 ARLD065 DX news ZCZC AE63 QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 65 ARLD065 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT November 3, 1994 To all radio amateurs SB DX ARL ARLD065 ARLD065 DX news The items in this week's bulletin are courtesy of Kirsti, VK9NL, the HIDXA, Chod, VP2ML, The DX Bulletin, Bob, W5KNE, QRZ DX, the Yankee Clipper Contest Club PacketCluster network and the Contest Corral column in QST. Thanks. BHUTAN. Despite poor propagation conditions, a successful demonstration of Amateur Radio was carried out today for the Deputy Minister of Communications and staff. Jim Smith, VK9NS, reports that A51MOC is now the official call sign of the Ministry of Communications. PACIFIC TRIP POSTPONED. Masa, JE1DXC, has run into transportation problems. His trip that included stops at 3D2, T2 and T30 has been postponed with no rescheduling date mentioned. ANTIGUA. Ratko, YU1NR, continues to be active as V29NR. Recent spots show most of his activity being on 17 meters. Try 18115 kHz at 1510 and 1700 to 1730z. Also check 24951 kHz around 1600z. QSL via YU1NR. CENTRAL KIRIBATI. Ron, ZL1AMO, reports his T31RW trip has been moved back until around April or May 1995. HAITI. Missionaries HH1D and HH1T are Darlene, KB8CTC, and husband Tim, KB8CTD. They operate between 14260 and 14350 kHz around 2200z and 7288 kHz at 1000z running a TS-450S from a solar charged battery system. IRAQ. YI9CW has applied for authorization to operate on 30 meters. THAILAND. DL2VK will be signing HS0/DL2VK for about 6 months. Most activity will be CW, though packet, AMTor, PacTOR and SSB may be used. HEARD ISLAND. Tony, WA4JQS, plans ahead. He is working on obtaining permission to visit the island in 1997. Until then he and WA8JOC, WD8SDL and W9OEH continue work on refurbishing 3Y0PI antennas. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. Don, WB2DND, should be in Dubai from November 11 to 16 and operate A61AD. Most operations will be early mornings and late evenings with Don having to do so around his work schedule. Check 160 and 80 meters around 0200z. He has a sked with WA2UDV and N1QMM on 14240 kHz at 2100z and takes calls afterwards. QSL via WB2DND. TONGA. Paul, KK6H, should be on the air as A35RK from November 24 to February 7. Most operating will be CW on 160 through 30 meters. QSL his home CBA w/SASE. MARIANA ISLANDS. Listen for JA2NQG signing AH0F on CW until November 6. JA2NVY is also along operating both CW and SSB as AH2CW/KH0. JI2UAY signs KH2GV/KH0 on 29 MHz FM. QSL via their home calls. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. 2100z Saturday will usher in the 61st annual ARRL November Sweepstakes CW contest, which runs to 0300z November 7. Work as many US and Canadian stations as possible exchanging the classic Sweepstakes exchange information of serial number, power class, call sign, check number and ARRL Section. The HA QRP Contest, sponsored by the Hungarian ARS and Radiotechnika Magazine, runs through 2400z November 7, from 3500 to 3600 kHz CW only. Use 5 watts or less output power. Exchange call sign, signal report, QTH and name. Both call signs and full exchanges must be sent and received by both stations. International Police Association Radio Club contest, sponsored by the US Section of the IPA, is from 1800z to 2200z November 5 for CW, and 1800z to 2200z November 6 for SSB. Exchange signal report and serial number. US IPARC members will add IPA after serial number. The Ukrainian DX Contest, sponsored by the Ukrainian ARL and Ukrainian Contest Club, runs 1200z November 5 to 1200z November 6. In this SSB and CW event, exchange signal report and serial number. Ukrainian stations will send signal report and two letter region abbreviation. Details on all of these operating events appear on pages 125 and 126 of October QST. NNNN /EX