BARTG * GB2ATG * NEWS * BARTG * NEWS * GB2ATG * BARTG This is the - British Amateur Radio Teledata Group - News Broadcast Service for all Amateurs and Short Wave Listeners interested in RTTY Amtor, Pactor and Packet Radio. This news is broadcast during the first full week commencing Monday each month, to the following schedule.. Evening transmissions at 20:00 U.K. local time on 3.584 MHz. Mark. RTTY on Monday-AFSK, Wednesday-AFSK and Friday-FSK. Pactor-FEC on Tuesday. Amtor-FEC on Thursday and Saturday. Morning transmission at 10:00 U.K. local time on 7.041 MHz. Mark. RTTY on Sunday-FSK. Both frequencies could be +/- for QRM. An edited version of this bulletin is available on the Packet network as a BARTG at GBR. file thanks to: Andy (G3ZYP) BARTG Publicity Officer at GB7MXM.#36.GBR.EU. It is also posted on the "INTERNET" system via the INFO-HAMS list on UCSD.EDU. thanks to Iain (G6ARO) who is available on the "JANET" network as Iain@HUMBER.AC.UK News for December 1994. Bulletin No. 024. BARTG Information. The first meeting of the new committee took place in London on Saturday November 26. where Andy G3ZYP was elected as the new Chairman. RTTY DX Activity. (all times are GMT.) 14 MHz. ZD8X 0700, TZ6FIC 0730, D4CAG, FK8GM, 4X1BD, EA6MQ, EA8PP, BV7WB and ZL2ATP 0800, 9G1BS, VK2BQS and ZL2QR 0830, VK5ACP 0900, VK3AMK 0930, HB0/HB9AON 1030, YK0A 1100, VS6GA 1130, V47AD 1200, C31SD 1230, VQ9TN, 9K2IC, VK6AD and FS/DJ2BW 1300, JW0I and EA8PDT 1330, A41KT, OD5PL and ZC4ZZ 1400, IK/3A2LZ/1P0D 1430, ST2AA and 9H4AC 1500, 5T5MS, FR5ZU, J28JJ, CS8CBI, FJ/N2HIG, YI1AL and 9I30A 1530, 5X1CE 1600, NL7WM/VP9 and J68AS 1700, FG5GH and FG5FT 1930, QSL Information. HB0/HB9AON via DJ2YE. J68AS via N9AG. FR5ZU via VE2NW. ST2AA via WB2RAJ. YK0A via W6OAT. VQ9TN via K5TNP. JW0I to Box 280115, D-13441 Berlin. (was previously SP3ASN). ZD8X to Chris Salmon, Box 2, Ascension Isl, South Atlantic. TZ6FIC via F6KEQ. Contests. Just enough time to advise you of the FAIRS data contest, sponsored jointly by: The Foundation for Amateur International Radio Service and Ulyanovsk Technical State University (Russia). Contest period: From 0000 Saturday 9, until 2400 Sunday 10, December. Maximum operating time of 24 hours for single operators. Contest call: CQ FAIRS Test. Modes: RTTY, Amtor, Pactor. Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 meters. Categories: A. Single operator all band. B. Single operator single band. C. Multi-operator all band. D. Short Wave Listener. Exchange message: Send, RST + CQ Zone number. FAIRS station send, RST + FAIRS number. Multipliers: Count each DXCC country and each FAIRS number on each band. Note: (CQ Zone does not count as multiplier). QSO Points: Count 3 points for QSO with own continent. Count 5 points for QSO outside own continent. Final score: Total QSO points times total multipliers. SWL rules apply as above. Log sheets: Use separate log sheets for each band. Logs must show, band, date and time in UTC, callsign, message sent and received, country multipliers and points claimed. Multi-Op stations must show names and callsigns of all operators involved with the station. Mail your logs to: FAIRS Digital WW Contest manager, Yuri Katyutin, UA4LCQ, P.O.Box 1200, Ulyanovsk, 432035 Russia. (Closing date not mentioned. ed.) Start 1995 with 3 hours of fun in the S.A.R.T.G. Happy New Year RTTY Contest. Contest Period: From 0800 until 1100 Sunday, January, 1. 1995. Bands: 3.5 and 7 MHz. only two way RTTY. Classes: A) Single Operator. B) Multi-Operator. C) SWL's. Message: RST/QSO number/Own name + Happy New Year (in your own language). Points: One (1) point for each QSO on each band. The same station may be contacted once on each band. Multipliers: A multiplier of one (1) is given for each DXCC country (outside Scandinavia). and for each LA-OH-OZ-SM-TF prefix number (0-9) contacted on each band. Final Score: Sum of QSO points times sum of multipliers. Logs: Logs to be received by 21st January 1995, containing: Band, Time UTC, Message sent and received, Points and Multipliers. Use a separate sheet for each band and enclose a Summary sheet showing the Scoring, Class, Your call, Name and address. Logs from Multi-Operator stations must contain the calls and names of all operators involved. SWL's use the same rules, based on stations and messages copied. Send Logs to: SARTG Contest Manager, Bo Ohlsson, SM4CMG, Skulsta 1258, S-71041 Fellingsbro, Sweden. Awards to: The Top 5 stations in each class and to the winner in each country. Your comments will be very much appreciated. The ARRL RTTY Roundup starts 1800 Saturday 7, ends 2400 Sunday 8, January. Operate no more than 24 hours. Two rest periods (for a combined total of 6 hours) must be taken in two single blocks of time, clearly marked in the log. Modes: Baudot RTTY, ASCII, Amtor and Packet, (attended operation only). Bands: All Amateur bands, 3.5 to 30 MHz (excluding 10, 18 and 24 MHz). Categories: (A) Single operator, multi-band. One person performs all operating and logging functions.(The use of spotting nets or Packet cluster etc,is not permitted). 1) Less than 150 watts output. 2) 150 watts output or more. (B) Multi-Operator, single transmitter only. More than one person operates, checks for dupes, keeps the log etc. The station must remain on any band for a minimum of 10 minutes before changing bands. Exchange: United States give signal report and state. Canada give signal report and province. DX give signal report and QSO serial number beginning with 001. Scoring: (A) Count one point for each completed QSO. A station may be worked once per band for QSO credit (but not for additional multipliers). (B) Multipliers count only once (not once per band), each US state (except KH6 and KL7), each VE province (plus VE8 and VY1) and each DXCC country. KH6 and KL7 count only as separate DXCC countries. The USA or Canada do not count as DXCC countries. Logs: Entries must be post marked no later than 30 days after the end of the contest (February 9th 1995). No late entries accepted. Use ARRL RTTY Roundup forms or reasonable facsimile, submit your entry on diskette, upload your entry to the ARRL BBS, or send your entry to ARRL HQ via Internet. Official entry forms are available from HQ for an SASE. with 2 units of first class postage or 4 IRC's. Logs must indicate Band, Mode, Date, Time UTC, Calls and complete exchanges (sent and received), Multipliers and QSO points. Multipliers should be clearly marked in the log the first time they are worked. Entries with more than 200 QSO's total must include cross-check sheets (dupe sheets). Send entries to:- ARRL Contest Branch, 225, Main Street, CT 06111. U.S.A. Copy of the full rules for the above contests are available from the editor. Please enclose A4 SASE. Notes of interest: Syria. (YK). YK0A working 14 MHz. RTTY on November 23 as promised and making a very welcome sight. QSX up 1-5. Sudan, (ST). ST2AA working a few stations on 14 MHz. RTTY November 22. but very active on Pactor. Ghana, (9G). 9G1BS working both 21 and 14 MHz. RTTY at no set times. Making up for the shortage of data from recent expeditions. Zambia, (9J). 9I30A is a special event call to celebrate 30 years of independence in Zambia. Thanks this month to.. G3ZYP, GU0SUP, VK3EBP, DXNS, ARRL/ARLD, KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80. BARTG caters for all DATA interests with information-components-kits -ready built units and software from experts. Members receive a 120 page quarterly journal devoted to data modes. Beginners guides for most data modes are available. The group sponsors HF and VHF RTTY contests, administers its own DX and members award scheme and runs an annual rally. This copy of BARTG News is posted by Iain Kendall (G6ARO) who can be contacted via Internet e-mail at.. Items for inclusion in the broadcast may also be mailed to this address, as well as any queries regarding membership or services offered by BARTG. Christmas greetings to all our readers from the team at GB2ATG. Copy of the news as distributed by G0ARF 941129.