President's Address This is Michael Corbin, VK2PFQ. Only 13 shopping days 'till Christmas. I do hope all hams have placed their Christmas orders with their XYL's or OM's as the case may be. If you haven't, well why not be a little devious and get a friend to suggest a nice present for you. If you need a few ideas, then consult the latest edition of AR magazine, there's lots of great ideas in there this month. Last night was the last Council meeting for this was a Christmas get together as well. The meeting was well attended and after dispatching the business, everyone stayed on for a Christmas drink and a few nibblies. Isn't it funny at parties these days, Michael VK2MJ brought along a carton of Tooheys Blue.... He was hard pressed to get rid of half a dozen. Mind you I don't encourage drinking and driving but haven't times changed....Perhaps for the better. Amongst the normal business that was transacted, was a motion that this "Council", after careful deliberation at the last meeting, thought might be a good gesture at this time of year. Accordingly, it was decided that since there was no fault found by the "committee of inquiry" (their words not mine) set up by the previous Council to "Investigate" the membership of one David Horsfall and that since the previous Council, for reasons only known to themselves, had not elected to take any action, either way; then the present "Council" should find no fault with David Horsfall......It was moved that "the Charges" (not my words) be withdrawn... A letter will be sent to David informing him that no "Offence had been committed under Item 21 of the M&A's. Now that might not be the exact words used, but the sentiments were the same. Oh, by the way, that cheque reached Lewarne & Goldsmith, indeed in record time. My thanks to John Robinson for promptly signing the cheque and forwarding it along to David Lewarne. The final touches can now be put to our Deposition and the whole thing can be buried in the past. Membership Renewals are now in your letter boxes. I appreciate that some of you might be loathe to renew in view of all that has gone on in the past year. If you have doubts, then before you decide NOT to renew, heaven forbid, please consider giving the present "Council" a go to clean things up. Isn't it the Australian tradition to give everyone...."a fair go". This "Council" has really not been able to get it's teeth into anything, as it constantly has to fight rearguar actions and put out those brush fires that our opponents keep lighting. If there is something you didn't like in the past that has occurred, then before you judge "THIS COUNCIL", make sure it was "THIS COUNCIL" that was responsible. Make sure it was US who did whatever it was, not our predecessors. Next week will be the last Broadcast for 1994. Christmas/New Year arrangements will be advised in next week's Broadcast. See you then. Federal news Family membership A proposal from the VK7 Division that a "family membership" grade be investigated, has been recommended to the Federal Council by Jim Forsyth VK7FJ, Federal Councillor for VK7. The proposal is to be investigated by the new Federal Secretary, with a view to reporting to Council as to costs and feasibility at the next quarterly meeting in February, next year. The NZART has a family membership grade. Details of its operation were described to the Federal Council by NZART dlegates who attended the WIA's Federal AGM in May. Packet Radio Users and the Law Since a telephone computer bulletin board user in West Australia copped a $40,000 judgement in a defamation action earlier this year (see WIA News, May issue), there has been protracted debate among the radio amateur community about the liabilities of packet radio use. Under the current radiocommunications regulations governing the amateur service, any packet radio station forwarding messages is responsible for their content. Add to this the situation under defamation law that any station operator transmitting or forwarding a message originating from another station having defamatory content is a "knowing publisher", even though their station automatically forwards messages. The originator and all forwarding stations are liable under defamation law. The problem is, a practice has allegedly arisen in which packet operators use the callsigns of other stations to transmit messages which are possibly defamatory or otherwise in breach of the amateur regulations. Suggestions have been circulated that the "problem" could be readily circumvented by using software which provides for packet message "authentication" by users. Such authentication software employs encrypted character strings embedded in the packet message, but there has been concern that the use of this type of software may also transgress the amateur regulations. A spokesman for the SMA has advised, in responses to individuals, that the existing and foreshadowed amateur regulations allow the use of such encrypted strings for authenticating packet messages. The SMA spokesman has also indicated the Agency would be reluctant to legislate that authentication be mandatory, or to specify a particular system. Reduced regulation, wherever possible, is the aim. To be on the safe side, packet BBS operators should store and view messages to confirm that the contents are not libellous or in breach of amateur regulations. Even with authentication, the SMA spokesman points out, Section 108(d) of the Radiocommunications Act 1992 places the onus on all licensees, including packet BBS operators, not to permit their stations to be used to affront, alarm or harass other people. In the USA, the FCC places the onus on the originator and first PBBS station to keep the content of messages within the law. In Australia, it is every operator's responsibility. World Radio Sport Championship Just in case you were thinking of joining in the fastest growing aspect of this hobby around the world - amateur radio direction finding (ARDF) - the deadline for teams entering the 1995 World Radiosport Team Championships has been extended to 28 February, 1995. The event will be held in Washington, DC, in the United States (see October WIA News). Broadcast roster & Christmas BBQ The 1995 broadcast roster The first roster for 1995 will be drawn up during the Christmas break. It will start on the 8th January and will run till the end of March. Would all broadcast team members please contact Steve VK2QZ with their unavailability dates before the end of December, so the roster can be finalised as soon as possible. If anyone listening would like to join the broadcast team you're invited to contact the Parramatta office on 689-2417 or directly to Steve VK2QZ -- Steve's telephone number and address is known to most people, his address of course is in the call book. No special skills are required nor is an amateur licence, although we are in need of a few more full call amateurs and people with good news-reading voices. End of year get-together Christmas is here and once again we are holding an informal get- together for the broadcast team. It will be after the morning broadcast on December 18th, which of course is next Sunday. This get-together is mainly to say thanks to the loyal and hard-working broadcast team who bring you the news each week. However, all are invited to attend. So -- come along, meet the people behind the voices, bring your family for a visit to Dural and inspect the broadcast station. You should bring your own food and drink but some soft drinks and nibblies will be provided. The barbeque will be lit after the morning broadcast, subject of course to any fire restrictions on the day. May I take this opportunity to thank all those on the broadcast team for a job well done during the year, especially through some trying times, including broadcasting by candlelight. -- submitted by Steve Pullen VK2QZ Broadcast Roster Coordinator VK2 Division services The N.S.W. Division of the W.I.A. runs Amateur classes and examinations, a free QSL bureau for members, slow morse practice on the 80m band, a technical library and bookshop, and Trash and Treasure sales on the last Sunday of every odd-numbered month. You're invited to contact the Divisional Office for more details of the activities of the N.S.W. Division of the W.I.A. WICEN news This is a quiet time for WICEN, officially, but paradoxically it can be our busiest; it is worth reminding listeners that this month is the 20th anniversary of Cyclone Tracy, which flattened Darwin on Christmas Day 1974, and the 5th anniversary of the Newcastle Earth- quake, which did its best to level Newcastle on 28th December 1989. WICEN members were heavily involved in the aftermath of both events, and continue to be involved where normal communications break down following a disaster; those Amateurs who "just want to help" are advised that only suitable-qualified personnel are permitted to enter a disaster area, and an "Amateur ticket" is no longer sufficient -- one has to be a member of a recognised rescue squad. The only scheduled event this month, apart from the afore-mentioned anniversaries for which there are undoubtedly other plans, is the Hunter region meeting on Monday 19th December, at the Emergency Operations Centre, corner of Elizabeth and Hannel Sts, Carrington, commencing at 7pm. Those who are planning for next year should note the RTA Bike Ride over the 4-11th March, the Bungonia Cave Rescue Exercise on the weekend of 18-19th March, the Goulburn Training Seminar on the weekend of 13-14th May, the Hawkesbury Classic Paddle on the weekend of 14-15th October, and JOTA on the weekend of 21st-22nd October. Those regions wishing to have their activities publicised on this broadcast are requested to get the details to the Publicity Officer, Dave VK2KFU, by Thursday night at the latest; packet radio is the preferred medium, to VK2AAB, VK2OP, or VK2GJB. -- Dave VK2KFU, WICEN (NSW) Inc. Publicity Officer B.O.C.P. course The Broadcast Operator's Certificate of proficiency (B.O.C,P.) course will be run in 1995, for N.S.W., at Sydney Institute of Technology, Ultimo Campus. See 1995 Handbook. The aim of the course is to provide the technical skills to run and maintain a broadcast radio station. This is a post-trade course. Enrolments are on Friday 3rd February 1995 and Monday 6th February 1995. Telephone enquiries to (02) 217 3346. From Brian Clarke VK2GCE News briefs News briefs As many will be aware the bushfire season is upon us, a fact that was brought home to us at the W.I.A. last week when fire struck the Dural area of Sydney, not too far from the Divisional broadcast facility. Thanks to the efforts of the local Bush Fire brigade, the Dural station was not damaged in the fires. A special thanks go to local Amateur and "Bushie" Mike Walton VK2MJ who was active in fighting the fires here at Dural. As Radio Amateurs we can all be of assistance during the bushfire season. Please keep your equipment ready for use at all times, have plenty of spare batteries on hand, so you can stay active for prolonged periods. Contact your local WICEN Coordinator for deatils on how you can serve the community during the bushfire season. ***** Telstra has extended its Radfone direct dial radio service, the demand for the service being 300 per cent higher than was originally forecast. This service allows subscribers in remote areas to dial directly into the telephone network via HF radio. Telstra has added 12 interconnects, that is HF-to-telephone interfaces, to its communications stations in Perth, Brisbane and Darwin. A new interconnect in Sydney will provide enhanced use to users in N.S.W., Victoria and Tasmania. ***** The Australian Geological Survey Organisation (AGSO) is looking to develop a new source of clean energy, one that could supply Australia's needs some 7,000 times over. The source of this new energy lies 5 kilometres underground in the form of "hot rocks". AGSO has identified nearly a quarter of a million square kilometres of rock. It's at a temperature of 225 degrees Celsius. By piping water into boreholes and using the resultant steam, this could provide ample energy to meet our energy needs for years to come. So AGSO proposes to build an experimental 20 megawatt power station using this technology. It will cost some 60 million dollars. "Hot rock" electricity could have enormous benefits for Australia and if used by Amateurs would lend a new meaning to that jocular term "Steam radio". ***** The Sydney Morning Herald's "Stay in touch" column reports that the Slinky is back in vogue this Christmas. Marketed in Australia as the Tumblebug, and later Rainbow Magic, the Slinky is a floppy metal spring which was originally developed in the 1940's to help stabilise nautical instruments used in warships. When Richard James, the marine engineer who designed it, accidently dropped it on the floor, it walked down a nearby stairway - and thus the Slinky was born. What's all this got to do with Amateur Radio? Well, it appears that during the Vietnam war, radio operators used them as radio antennas. In recent years at least one American magazine described the use of a Slinky with a simple antenna tuner. The coil forms a simple compact helical antenna for portable use. Now the modern Slinky tends to be made of rainbow coloured plastic, not the ideal antenna material, but metal versions are still available, so why not venture into a toyshop this Christmas ans walk out with a new antenna. ***** News Briefs looks at communications news items that appear in the mainstream media. Thanks this week go to the Australian and the Sydney Morning Herald. If your local or regional paper runs an item of interest to Radio Amateurs, why not send a clipping to the Divisional office. News Briefs are prepared and edited by Richard Murnane VK2SKY Cook Is. Licences Going to the Cook Islands? With the approach of the Christmas holidays some lucky amateurs may be doing just that. If this description fits you, why don't you get your own "ZK" callsign? How? Write to: Cook Island Amateur Radio Club ZK1CI P.O. Box 663 Raratonga Cook Island South Pacific Club meetings are held at Tangaroa Liqueur Bar Ara Metua (Inland Road) Tutakimoa (next to "The Perfume Factory") Raratonga, Cook Island. When: Meetings held first Thursday of every month at 8.30pm. General information: The club is a great place for visitors to meet LOCAL AMATEURS and RADIO ENTHUSIASTS. A warm welcome is guaranteed. No joining fee. Enjoy a swim amongst lush tropical garden setting in full size pool. Club can arrange meetings and skeds with Outer Island Amateurs and discounted travel to the outer islands. Full Amateur Shack at Club House with excellent Antennas available. Club can organize local ZK RADIO LICENCE whilst visiting. ORIGINAL: (SMA) AMATEUR OPERATOR'S CERTIFICATE of PROFICIENCY must be produced - A copy not acceptable, to obtain your ZK LICENCE to operate in the Cook Islands. Further information from John Abbott ZK1AX (Club Secretary) Telephone 0011-682-21190 Fax 0015-682-20964 IPS WEEKLY REPORT ----------------- 02 DECEMBER - 08 DECEMBER DATE OF ISSUE: 09 DECEMBER 1994 INDICES: DATE 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 10CM 79 82 82 81 78 80 81 A 20 12 7 7 20 11 (12 ESTIMATED) T 6 4 34 24 31 -20 25 SOLAR ACTIVITY WAS VERY LOW. THE GEOMAGNETIC FIELD AT LEARMONTH WAS QUIET ON 3RD DECEMBER, WITH A BRIEF ACTIVE PERIOD 12-15 UT; QUIET TO UNSETTLED 4TH-5TH; UNSETTLED 2ND, 7TH-8TH, AND UNSETTLED TO ACTIVE WITH A MINOR STORM PERIOD 06-09 UT ON 6TH. IONOSPHERIC F2 CRITICAL FREQUENCIES AT SYDNEY WERE NEAR PRE-DICTED TO SLIGHTLY DEPRESSED 2ND-3RD DECEMBER; ABOUT 15 PER CENT ABOVE ON 4TH, NEAR PREDICTED MONTHLY VALUES ON 5TH; NEAR PREDICTED TO SLIGHTLY ENHANCED ON 6TH UNTIL 19 UT WHEN FRE-QUENCIES BECAME DEPRESSED 15 TO 30 PER CENT THROUGH 7TH, RERURNING TO NEAR PREDICTED MONTHLY VALUES ON 8TH. SPORADIC E WAS OBSERVED AT TIMES ON 7TH-8TH. FORECAST (09 DECEMBER - 15 DECEMBER) SOLAR: VERY LOW GEOMAGNETIC: QUIET TO UNSETTLED. IONOSPHERIC: NEAR TO SLIGHTLY ABOVE PREDICTED MONTHLY VALUES. COURTESY OF THE IPS RADIO AND SPACE SERVICES SUMMARY BY PAT VK2JPA ANARTS BROADCAST OFFICER Club news - Chifley From the Chifley Amateur Radio Club A reminder for all members of the Chifley Amateur Radio Club that the date for this year's Annual General Meeting is Saturday 17th December 1994. It will be held at the clubrooms and the meeting will start at 1.30pm. --Brett Hazell Publicity Officer Chifley Amateur Radio Club Club News - A.A.T.C. Stop press - Attention all AATC mwembers - changes to the next meeting location - it will be on December 11th at Dave Pack's home 10 Manus Place 1.00 pm Glenfield owing to an overbooking at WIA - Parramatta. Main lecture: (a) oscilloscopes - the use and abuse. A demonstration of an 8 channel relay controlled output from your IBM computer so you can operate external devices via the keyboard, backup lecture (b) will be on charging lead acid batteries. The meetings are open to any amateur with an inclination to construct. Calling all AATC members - start thinking about what input you can do for the Wyong field day next year - remember Feb 26 is only 11 weeks away. Sort out what equipment you wish to have displayed. Also the timings you will be present to man or woman the site etc. For more information about the A.A.T.C. listen to the net on Tuesday nights from the Liverpool area on 146.625 MHz - approx 19.30 hrs - or watch us on 1250 MHz from our Oaldale repeater any- time. Also you can ring for more info to Sydney 02 587-3491 any time !!! Note the next AATC meeting at 1pm - 10 Manus Place Glenfield Dec. 11th and note this is the last meeting of the AATC this year - be there !!! AATC Inc. Publicity Officer Bob Barnes Club News - Waverley Amateur Radio Society The Society's next meeting will commence at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday 21st December at the Rose Bay Scout Hall in Vickery Avenue, Rose Bay, located next door to the Rose Bay R.S.L. Club. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. The main topic for the evening will be a presentation by Dave Pack on Amateur Television. Visitors are most welcome. Simon Buxton - VK2EII - Publicity Officer Club News - Gladesville FROM THE GLADESVILLE AMATEUR RADIO CLUB INC. THE GLADESVILLE CLUB THANKS ALL OUR VIEWERS AND FRIENDS FOR THEIR SUPPORT OVER THE PAST YEAR AND WE LOOK FORWARD TO DOING BETTER THINGS FOR YOU IN THE COMING YEAR. THE LAST LIVE ATV TEST TRANSMISSION ON CHANNEL 35 FROM VK2TVG FOR 1994 WILL BE ON WEDNESDAY 14TH DECEMBER, WITH LIVE TEST TRANSMISSIONS RESUMING NEXT YEAR FROM 18TH JANUARY. DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON, GLADESVILLE TELEVISION WILL BE WILL BE TELEVISING TAPED MATERIAL ON THE USUAL TEST TRANSMISSION DAYS -- WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY AND SUNDAY EVENINGS -- EVEN ON CHRISTMAS DAY! AS USUAL THE TEST TRANSMISSION TIMES ON UHF CHANNEL 35 WILL BE: 7.30 PM ON WEDNESDAYS 7.00 PM FRIDAYS AND SUNDAYS KEEP WATCHING THROUGHOUT THE HOLIDAY SEASON FOR INTERESTING TECHNICAL AND EDUCATIONAL MATERIAL! WE HOPE YOU HAVE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. -- PAT LEEPER VK2JPA, SECRETARY Club News - ANARTS HOLIDAY DATES FOR ANARTS BROADCASTS THE ANARTS RTTY BROADCAST WILL GO INTO RECESS AFTER 18TH DECEMBER AND RESUME ON 15TH JANUARY 1995. THANKS TO ALL OUR LISTENERS OVER THE PAST YEAR AND WE WISH YOU ALL THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON, AND MAY THE CHRISTMAS GIFTS BE JUST WHAT YOU DESIRE. MERRY CHRISTMAS, FROM PAT VK2JPA ANARTS BROADCAST OFFICER Coming events Now, a summary of upcoming events of interest to members and other Radio Amateurs ... NSW Water Ski Ass'n Lion island Classic (VK2KLX) . . . . . Today Divisional exams at Parramatta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Today Summerland ARC exams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Today Australian Amateur TV Club gen.meeting at Glenfield. . . . Today Gladesville Club's last live ATV Test TX for Wednesday Parramatta ARC Christmas function. . . . . . . . . next Thursday Last VK2 Div. WIA broadcast for 1994 . . . . . . . . next Sunday Last ANARTS RTTY broadcast for 1994. . . . . . . . . next Sunday Fishers Ghost Amateur Radio Club meeting & BBQ . . 20th December Waverley Amateur Radio Club meeting. . . . . . . . 21st December Divisional office closes for Christmas . . . . . . 23rd December There will be no Divisional broadcasts on 25th December and 1st January, the first VK2 WIA broadcast for 1995 will be 8th January. You are reminded that the Divisional office will be closed during January but the phone will be answered either by a duty Councillor or by some other mechanism due to redirection of the telephone. Do you have an event you'd like publicised on the weekly broad- cast? If so, then please send details to the Divisional Broadcast Officer, Michael Corbin VK2PFQ, by phone on (02) 626-9288, or by fax on (02) 626-6066.Items can also be forwarded to the Divisional Office. ------------------------------------------------------------------ VK2WI Broadcast, 11th December 1994. Copyright 1994 WIA (NSW) & contributors. Material may be used elsewhere if the source is acknowledged.