Bid: $RACESBUL.345 Subject: BUL345 MGT ACS/RACES Plans 3/3 From: W6WWW@KD6XZ.#NOCAL.CA.USA.NOAM To : RACES@ALLUS TO: ALL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCIES VIA AMATEUR RADIO INFO: ALL COMMUNICATIONS VOLUNTEERS IN GOVERNMENT SERVICE INFO: ALL AMATEURS U.S (@USA: INFORMATION), CAP, MARS. FROM: CA GOVERNORS OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES (W6SIG@WA6NWE.CA) PH: 916-262-1600, 2800 Meadowview Rd., Sacramento, CA 95832. Landline BBS, 916-262-1657 (Open to all). Internet or BULLETIN 345 MGT ACS/RACES Plans 3/3 Release Date: September 26, 1994 ACS/RACES relationships are based on leadership and cooperation, NOT on hierarchical power positions. Hence, no one level of ACS or RACES Radio Officer has more authority than another, such as a county RACES Radio Officer over a City RACES Radio Officer, or a State Radio Officer over a County Radio Officer. Each Radio Officer serves the one government for which he/she is the unpaid government public safety communications employee. Each has the responsibility and authority only for THAT specific jurisdiction, state, county or city. These three levels of government involved with RACES plans work on the basis of mutual aid and cooperation, NOT authority. Part of that cooperation is submitting city plans to the county and county plans to the state for approval-concurrence. As a matter of self protection a jurisdiction may reasonably require official signatures on a plan before it concurs. The level of communications nets for an ACS/RACES plan are basic. A city plan addresses city to county, intra-city, and maybe inter-city communications. A county plan addresses county to state, intra-county, and possibly inter-county communications. A state plan addresses state to counties, intra-state government, interstate, state to Federal government, and possibly state to public utility and other essential communications. There is no FEMA or Federal RACES. However, a Federal government radio station may enter a RACES net. Such net levels are graphically depicted in the new California State plan. An emergency communications reserve plan should reflect current conditions, not plans long out of date. A communications plan does not discuss what might be or what is planned for the near future. Remember the old saying about the best laid plans of mice and men? For a copy of modern county and city plan formats, send a 3.5" disc with return SASE mailer to this office; For DOS it is in ASCII but WITHOUT graphics. For the MAC, its in MSWord 5.1 with the graphics. For the printed State of California plan with graphics plus annexes for the transportation and health departments send a check for $11 payable to the State of California and request the "l994 California ACS plan". EOM.