Bid: $RACESBUL.358 Subject: Bul 358 Unit Activities TO: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCIES VIA AMATEUR RADIO INFO: COMMUNICATIONS VOLUNTEERS IN GOVERNMENT SERVICE INFO: AMATEURS U.S (@USA: INFORMATION), CAP, MARS, RACES FROM: CA STATE AUXILIARY COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE, the volunteer communications reserve of the Governor's Office of Emergency Services. (W6SIG@WA6NWE.CA) PH: 916-262-1600, 2800 Meadowview Rd., Sacramento, CA 95832. Landline BBS, 916-262-1657 (Open to all). Internet or Bulletin 358 OPS - Unit Activities Release Date: December 26, l994 Your RACES unit and Amateur Radio newsletters are appreciated. They provide valuable ideas and suggestions. For example, the Orange County RACES not only issues a monthly newsletter but has an extensive year end manual. The manual reviews the year, shows goals for the new year, includes the 12 monthly bulletins, discusses mutual aid, a membership and 3x3 callout list. Their 1991 and 1992 manuals were over 90 pages each!! Orange County is in a complex metro area of numerous cities in Southern California east of Los Angeles. In January l993 there were sixteen city RACES units in the county. With strong leadership, this unit does a lot of different things to serve and maintain a high level of interest. Here are examples. A monthly meeting with a guest speaker such as Richard Hartman, N6DAW, Maintenance Superintendent, 2nd Combat Communications Squadron, California Air National Guard. He described his squadron's communications equipment and capabilities; included was a Mark 108 Humvee the squadron used for emergency communications on the island of Kauai after Hurricane Iniki. County RACES participants, in uniform, (two-tone blue, light over dark, similar to fire dispatch uniforms) reported to a local Mall for the event called "Emergency Services: A Focus on Preparedness". A RACES exhibit was open inside the mall after the conclusion of a Mall Disaster Drill. Their goal was to explain to the public how RACES enhances Public Safety communications in an emergency. A Special Statewide Election offered another application. 30 members, in uniform and with Handie-Talkies, at ballot pickup points in 16 cities and at the vote tally center. Responded to communications Mutual Aid requests: July 4th parade; a city festival; city request for March of Dimes Walk-America; search for missing Boy Scout in mountains of an adjacent county - thirty-two RACES people responded to an all city mutual aid request over a 6 day period. Exercises and drills included County RACES activation for a statewide drill at the EOC providing personnel with the chance to test the EOC equipment and inter-face with other agencies. Annual SET, simulated emerency test, and Field Day, County Marathon covering 26 miles across several cities with over 100 operators used for the coordination. May this stimulate ideas for you and help your unit achieve its goals. Thanks for your efforts in this field. May l995 be a year in which you find peace of mind and joy in all that you do. s/s Stan Harter and Cary Mangum. eom