WICEN News There is little to report for now, so we will lead with some items of interest to WICEN members. First off, it seems that the Parliamentary Committee currently investigating the January bushfires has found there was a serious lack of communications between the various agencies. Speaking of communications, we are fortunate that the Dural Engineer, who is responsible for maintaining the Divisional repeaters, is also an active WICEN member; he will personally ensure that the repeaters remain on air to provide auxiliary communications during what promises to be a worse bush-fire season than last year. Meanwhile, further to the north, we are informed of the scale of disasters suffered by Indonesia. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, Indonesia, home of many of the world's active volcanoes and host to some of its worst earthquakes, bushfires and tidal waves, averaged at least four natural disasters a day. Poor com- munications and inadequate data hindered cataloguing the numbers of those affected by such disasters -- 772 killed, 2.2 million hurt and 15,000 buildings destroyed this year. We in Australia can count ourselves fortunate, although it is worth reminding listeners that this month is the 20th anniversary of Cyclone Tra- cy, which flattened Darwin on Christmas Day 1974, and the 5th an- niversary of the Newcastle Earthquake, which did its best to lev- el Newcastle on 28th December 1989. WICEN members were heavily involved in the aftermath of both disasters. Turning closer to home, we advise of a meeting of the Blue Moun- tains region tomorrow, starting at 8pm. The location is the Glenbrook Bush Fire Brigade Station, and there will be a talk-in on 147.175 MHz simplex for people needing directions. All inter- ested persons are invited to attend, and for more information please contact Alan VK2YYJ on (02) 839-1388 during office hours. The other events are the Management Committee meeting next Satur- day (which we understand may be followed by a "barbie"); the NSW Water Ski Association "Lion Island Classic" next Sunday, for which David VK2KLX is the contact; and the Hunter region meeting at the Emergency Operations Centre, corner of Elizabeth and Han- nel Sts, Carrington, commencing at 7pm, at which Pauline VK2GTB will make you welcome. Those regions wishing to have their activities publicised on this broadcast are requested to get the details to the Publicity Offi- cer, Dave VK2KFU, by Thursday night at the latest. Packet radio is the preferred medium, to either VK2AAB or VK2OP. -- Dave VK2KFU, WICEN (NSW) Inc. Publicity Officer