[updated 6/25/94; expires 1/20/94] Southern Dharma Retreat Center Rt. 1, Box 34-H Hot Springs, NC 28743 (704) 622-7112 1994 Schedule of Courses * * * June 28-July 5 Sandy Stewart Zen Gathering. 7 nights, $235 + dana July 15-17 Susan Augenstein Meditation (vipassana) and Living a Full Life. 2 nights, $105 + dana July 29-August 1 Rodney Smith Insight Meditation and the Heart. 3 nights, $135 + dana August 12-15 John Orr Vipassana meditation and chanting. 3 nights, $120 + dana August 19-22 Lou Nordstrom Beyond Words and Phrases (Zen Meditation). 3 nights, $120 + dana Sept 2-5 Marcia Rose Vipassana Meditation: Silence and Opening Fully. 3 nights, $135 + dana Sept 15-22 Teijo Munnich Awakening to the Quiet Within. 7 nights, $220 + dana Sept 30-Oct 2 Linda Gooding Taoist Meditation. Weekend, $150 + dana Oct 7-16 Cheri Huber The Layers of Resistance to Spiritual Practice. 9 nights, $325 + dana Oct 27-30 call Pat Webster for details: (919) 968-0029 Greening the Wasteland: The Journey of Parcival and a Native American Vision Quest for Lawyers. Nov 3-6 Bhante Yogavacara Rahula Awareness Meditation (vipassana) with Yoga. 3 nights, $100 + dana Nov 11-13 call Larry Taylor for details: (919) 544-0784 Dancing the Aramaic Lord's Prayer Nov 18-20 Work Weekend Retreat No charge. Nov 30-Dec 4 Ven. Thubten Chodron From Confusion to Enlightenment. 4 nights, $155 + dana Dec 27-Jan 4 John Orr & Jeff Collins A New Years Retreat. 8 nights, $275 + dana Jan 13-20 Sandy Gentei Stewart Zen Fire, Zen Ice. 7 nights, $235 + dana [The listed retreat costs are for room and board; teachings are generally offered on a dana basis.] Southern Dharma ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Southern Dharma Retreat Center is a non-profit educational foundation, welcoming a variety of spiritual paths, whose purpose is to offer meditation retreats. Our goal is to provide a comfortable gathering place, removed from the everyday distractions of life, and to create an atmosphere of quiet reflection where one can nurture a sense of peace and uncover the truths within the heart. It is our intention to sponsor teachers from a variety of traditions, to maintain a supportive environment for meditation, and to keep costs to participants low. Members of Southern Dharma ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MSD is an expanding community of friends who make a commitment to support SDRC with donations of time and/or money. A portion of the annual membership goes to the Newsletter, scholarships, and special projects decided upon by members present at the semiannual meetings. The next Board Meeting will be January 14-16, 1994. It is important to call and register for the meeting as space is limited. Visiting SDRC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to protect the retreat environment we request that visitors call a day or more in advance to arrange a convenient time to come to the center. [end]