RECOMMENDED METHODS OF HUNT AND DEFINITION: Stand - Stationing yourself in a promising area and staying there Tree Stand - Same as Stand except you climb tree to gain vantage Drive - Walking through woods en mass to push deer to waiting standers positioned strategically Stillhunt - Walking very, very slowly step by step through an area Tracking - Following fresh deer trail to find deer Rattle - Rattling deer horns to bring deer to you Rattling is similar to a 'Calling' method where deer calls are used to bring deer to you. THE VARIABLES AND THEIR POSSIBLE CHOICES ARE: Size of Deer Sought: big buck, other bucks and doe, wounded deer. Time of Day: morning (6-10am), midday (10-1pm), afternoon (1-4:30pm). Type of Snow Falling: none, lightly snowing, heavily snowing. Type of Rain Falling: none, light or medium rain, heavy rain. Rain Characteristics: fog, rain falling for extended period. Rut: yes, no. Terrain: farmland (open with woodlots), flat, hilly, wooded, swamp. Day of Season: opening day, rest of season. Ground Cover: noisy snow and/or leaves, soft snow, no snow. Wind: calm or light wind, high wind. Temperature: very cold (below 12 degrees). Miscellaneous: number of people in party, skill at finding way in woods. ***NOTE: FROM EACH VARIABLE CLASS ANSWER YES TO ONLY ONE OF CHOICES FOR THE VARIABLE. THE QUESTIONS ASKED IN THE CONSULTATION MAY ASK YOU ABOUT MORE THAN ONE OF THE VARIABLE CHOICES. WHEN YOU ANSWER YES TO ONE CHOICE THEN YOU MUST ANSWER NO TO THE REST FOR THAT VARIABLE FOR THE ANSWER TO HAVE MEANING. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE A YES ANSWER FOR EVERY VARIABLE UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. For example, answering yes to morning requires answering no to mid day and afternoon (if asked). Similarly, answering yes to heavy rain requires answering no to light or medium rain. We know the above rule may seem awkward at times but it allows us to keep the size of the data base workable. Without it the data base could take up a whole hard drive! We feel the present size makes optimum use of your computer and its resources and the program runs on many types of systems. FINDING WOUNDED DEER CONDITIONS: When you answer no to the first two questions (After doe, After big bucks), an added section follows for 'After wounded deer'. Here we refresh your memory about some basics you can use to determine where you shot the deer, whether it is a probable kill shot, and subsequent actions to take. It is a useful training or planning tool prior to the actual hunt. Variables included are: Type of Blood sign; Type of hair sign Variable values are: find bright red, frothy blood find medium red, uniform blood find dark red blood see blood spurting to both sides blood contains yellow or green matter see large clumps of hair where hit see small bits of hair where hit enough time in day left to track darkness approaching hear gurgling noises no blood present near hit