PRESENTING A BUSINESS-LIKE IMAGE IN PRINT Cards, letterheads, and business forms from the local discount office supplies store are not of terrific quality, but most people figure they are acceptable only because they think they can't afford anything else. But you want top quality printing, to give your home business the proper image, and one of the most inexpensive ways to get it is from one of the national mail-order companies that specializes in this type of work. They buy the best grades of paper in huge quantities, and can provide a variety of choices of paper types, colors, and typesetting, while still maintaining good prices. This gets you the same quality of paper, typesetting, and ink used by giant corporations. Your printed material is crucial as an image builder. Some entrepreneurs are reluctant to order printing by mail, thinking that the local print shop will do the job faster. Usually what happens is that the local print shop is actually slower, and the quality cannot begin to compete with what the giant corporations use. There are some mail order printers who are terribly slow (but they are usually the ones with poor quality too). We've done a little checking around, and found a national catalog house, New England Business Service (NEBS), that ships most orders within two days of receiving them (although they only promise to do so in six days). It's nice to find somebody who can deliver the best quality faster than they promise. For a variety of printing, most people would be better off ordering by mail and letting their new business have a proper image from the very first day. NEBS also does check printing, and a variety of formats are available. Instead of just accepting the limited choices your bank gives you, you can choose or design a check that exactly meets your needs. Special boxes, carbon copies, a layout that fits the one-write bookkeeping system or the computer program you are using -- whatever you want. NEBS has several different free catalogs. Ask for the business forms, checks & supplies catalog; the computer forms & software catalog; the retail supplies catalog (signs, tags, gift certificates); and/or the contractors catalog. Just write to NEBS, Mailcode 18704, 500 Main Street, Groton MA 01471 or call 800-388-3810. NEBS has over 2,000 employees and is a public company with its stock is traded on NASDAQ. Founded over 40 years ago, during 1993 NEBS served 1,200,000 small businesses throughout the United States, Canada, and Great Britain for the printed business products they use every day.