The House of Gutenberg is a firm serving the commercial and quick printing industry, large printing buyers, and entrepreneurs interested in becomming printing or advertising specialty brokers. The firm provides outsourcing training, general consulting services, and industry background to a variety of clients across the United States. Cy Stapleton as principal of The House of Gutenberg has had over 35 years of broad, successful experience in the industry. Since 1959 he has held executive positions in trade bindery, commercial and quick printing, publishing, and typesetting companies. He also has numerous years as a printing broker. He has received numerous industry awards, including the prestigious Benjamin Franklin award for his efforts in industry education in 1978 and again in 1994. Stapleton is a Contributing Editor to "Quick Printing" and "Southern Graphics" magazines and is the editor of the very popular resource column, Helene's Hotline, where he will assist as many as 300 printing or advertising brokers or printing firms in their search for hard to find services or products. His logical and basic approach to situations in need of solutions has resulted in a very loyal readership and his consistent high ranking among industry columnists. Stapleton's speaking credits range from trade show seminar presentations to featured presentations at a variety of industry, corporate, and educational events. His Brokering for Profit (BFP and ADBFP) source databases are used by several thousand individuals and companies across the country. Many claim that these databases more than pay for themselves every week, and it is not uncommon for a user to call and claim that he recovered his or her investment the first time the database was used. In late 1994 Stapleton placed his small printing company on the market and when it sells he intends to move back to his home and continue brokering printing, business forms, advertising specialties, etc. and do further development on his databases.