JOHN PUGSLEY'S JOURNAL John Pugsley is an internationally respected economist and author whose investment opinions are known for their clarity, consistency, and sound logic. Many readers feel he is the best writer in the entire financial field. His first best-selling book, Common Sense Economics, sold over 150,000 hard-cover copies. It accurately predicted the inflationary explosion that followed the demise of the Bretton-Woods agreement. His second book, The Alpha Strategy, was on The New York Times best-seller list for 9 weeks. In 1980, the entire economics profession was convinced that Reagan's tax reform would balance the federal budget by the end of his first term. The Alpha Strategy boldly warned that the U.S. would experience "the largest deficits in the history of the nation in the next five years," and showed small investors how to protect themselves. For 10 years John Pugsley also wrote and published Common Sense Viewpoint, the acclaimed financial newsletter so enjoyed by tens of thousands of devoted subscribers. He now writes John Pugsley's JOURNAL, a monthly newsletter that I highly recommend. To order a one- year subscription at a special price of $95 (the regular rate is $125) send your payment of $95 to: Marketing & Publishing Associates Ltd. Dept. JPJAS 23-00 Route 208 Fair Lawn NJ 07410