STANDARD EXCHANGE MEET-ME The Standard Exchange Meet-Me program works essentially the same as the 1-800-Meet-Me Service, except that you elect to have the conference participants pay for the long distance charge from their location to the conference center. You distribute to all participants the date and time of the conference. Callers call in at the appointed time, are connected to the appropriate channel, i.e.; live or listen-only mode, and then the organizer is billed at only 19 cents per minute, per participant. With all of these services, the sound quality is exceptional, because the bridging work is done at a central location. Therefore, the customers do not lose sound quality which is a problem if attempting to conduct conference calls using in-house telephone systems. And because of this feature, the audio tape records equal sound quality from all connections. Any of these services can be set up on a secured or unsecured basis. If unsecured, the entire conference is monitored by an operator so as to be able to reconnect any callers who are lost or deal with any instructions that the chairperson elects to give to the operator. For example, suppose through the course of a conference one of the participants suggests that Joe, in San Francisco, should be brought on line immediately. The operator will not need any further instructions other than the phone number and the call will be placed to Joe and he'll be immediately placed on the system. If however, you elect a secured line, then there is no audio monitoring, but the above scenario can still be accomplished because it's as simple as pressing "0" on the touch tone pad and the conference operator will be immediately signalled to pick up the phone and ask what can be done to help the chairperson. This feature allows for reconnecting someone who has a bad line, or who somehow dropped out of the system and needs to be reconnected, or adding new callers. To arrange any of these services, simply call the BNC tele-conferencing center at 1-800-929-1700 and give the control number 48AD-0000. You may find that using tele-conferencing is a profitable business in itself, even if you don't get involved in long distance reselling.