If you have not read this document before, read it now. It is important
that you make a note of this URL and read the home page periodically;
new information regarding NCSA Mosaic for Microsoft Windows is posted
to this document first. (Due to the heavy traffic on NCSA's Web server,
NCSA asks that you change your default home page to a URL other than
an NCSA home page. See ``A special request from NCSA''
for more details.)
As you read this home page, you will see several words and phrases highlighted by color or an underscore (or both). These are hyperlinks; each hyperlink points to another document or to an image. Near the top of the home page you should see a hyperlink for the National Center for Supercomputing Applications or NCSA. Click on this hyperlink and you will see the NCSA Home Page. Follow a few other hyperlinks by clicking on them; explore the Web for a few minutes!
But there is so much information available on the Web (and there is more every day!) that you cannot rely on hyperlinks from a home page to reach it all. So let's move on to more independent means of finding additional material.
To facilitate exploration, many sites maintain documents designed to lead readers into this ever-expanding Web. As distributed from NCSA, NCSA Mosaic includes a Starting Points menu with hyperlinks to several of these documents. (Note that this is a user-configurable menu; if local system administrators have customized and installed NCSA Mosaic for you, the Network Starting Points menu may be different or may not even appear.)
As an exercise, pull down the Network Starting Points menu. Drag the cursor to NCSA Mosaic Demo Document and release the mouse button. After a few seconds, the NCSA Mosaic Demo Document will appear. Scroll down a few screens to the Table of Contents. Click on the hyperlink for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), which will take you to the UIUC section of the NCSA Mosaic Demo Document. Clicking on the hyperlink for the Krannert Art Museum will take you to the Krannert Art Museum Home Page. Working from this home page, you can view images of selected works displayed at the museum, the hours and menu of the Palette Cafe and Bookstore, a calendar of special exhibits, a map of the museum, and more. Explore for a few minutes.
To return to the NCSA Mosaic Demo Document, click on the left arrow
() in the Toolbar. (If
you have been exploring the art museum display, you may have to click
several times to get back to the NCSA Mosaic Demo Document. Alternatively,
you can select Navigate ... History ... NCSA Mosaic Demo Document.)
If you have time to explore the information available from this document,
it will lead you to lots of interesting material.
As you use NCSA Mosaic and the Web, you will find more material to explore. You will encounter some by selecting previously unexplored hyperlinks; you will find more by investigating new starting points. And, as the Internet and the Web mature, you will find articles referring to information sources on the Web and including a URL in the description; pursuing specific URLs will be described later in this guide.